Reply To: Back in the days of my FOBT woes….

The Bandit WANTED $5,407
El Bandito

Spekz2018 wrote:

Brilliant one bandit I used to do the same but my virtual get out was number 1 and the 9-1 shot . But my all time best was I went to santa Anita Los Angeles for the breeders cup in 2009 , I was there for two weeks and had saved 3000 English money to convert to dollars . First week of the holiday was the racing so I thought not going to get to involved as still have a week left after and a long way from home . Anyway the race day arrived and we went along early and started having a few drinks before we went racecourse in the hotel never a good look before going gambling . Anyway get to the course and get seriously involved coming up to the big race of the meeting I have 300 left for the whole of the holiday with no more money available I decide to go for it and put 200 dollars on zenyatta which win and a silly bet called a superfecta which is to predict the first four home I walk up to the betting kiosk and que up once I get to the front I realise I forgot my racecard so decided to pick three random ones behind the horse I backed previously and manage to fluke it for 50c paid 4000 dollars I couldn’t believe it I left straight away best holiday ever . I know have the picture on my wall of the first four home !!!

Haha super jammy that is 😀

If you had have remembered your race card you would have picked different ones too!