1 year clean

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  • #8793
    Canarywedge WANTED $8

    Hi Steve. On 23rd May I celebrated 1 year without gambling for the 1st time since I was 17 (now 35). Last year got to a breaking point where I was lucky to keep my family by my side. I just wanted to say a massive thank you as watching you keeps me off the slots. Just wish I had seen you sooner and how you promote the losses that really come from gambling. A long way to go but it’s nice to finally have cash in the wallet. Keep up the very entertaining and helpful videos.

    sidders WANTED $21

    Credit to you Sir,

    you keep it going as NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is more important than family ????

    Marky mark WANTED $15

    Canarywedge wrote:

    Hi Steve. On 23rd May I celebrated 1 year without gambling for the 1st time since I was 17 (now 35). Last year got to a breaking point where I was lucky to keep my family by my side. I just wanted to say a massive thank you as watching you keeps me off the slots. Just wish I had seen you sooner and how you promote the losses that really come from gambling. A long way to go but it’s nice to finally have cash in the wallet. Keep up the very entertaining and helpful videos.

    Well done mate, stay strong, one day at a time.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Good stuff mate and all the best with continuing, a year is a cracking achievement!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Nice one bud, keep it up! Nothing is more important than family. Don’t risk it.

    Scouse_Baz WANTED $11

    Well done mate, you’ve done great


    Top man.Respect to you. It is something did, not to be repeated. Lesson learned.

    I too no longer gamble and also find watching it online fulfills any desire.

    The Bandit is certainly my preferred ‘slotter’ for many reasons particularly as we get to see and hear the real costs.


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