£1000 deposit one crap bonus

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  • #23313
    slotking74 WANTED $3

    Hi all a bit of a depressing one, i did a £1000 deposit and played golden gate at £1 stake.

    Hit one bonus after over 1000 spins and it went for £24 not a happy bunny, i then went on book of dead with what i had left had no bonus and skinted out.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Such a brutal game that one mate, i don’t think i have ever managed the bonus on it, tease central every time i try!

    slotking74 WANTED $3

    Win some lose some but gutted still, lol, hey ho and all that.

    Cant say ive ever seen you play it, now i know why lol

    Glad to see you up and running on YouTube again brings a smile to my face when you go on one 🙂

    Mark2514 WANTED $1

    I play 300 shields on casumo and never win nowt could you help me mate

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    300 shields is a tough one to bonus too tbh – then you rarely reach the top and then when you do….. metal head fucks off on holiday!

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    The bonus on golden gate is a choice of 3 scatters. On a 1quid stake none of those offer 24 quid.


    Also please for the love of fuck can we stop begging. On my birthday I won a 0 bonus! (On purpose). Best gift on the year!!!

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