Hi there. I’ve been subscribed to the bandit for a very long time. Been since the reel King days. He made asked for suggestion to help him reach 100k on YouTube. I have a few suggestions.
1.) Make more YouTube shorts. Do some every week. It’s a great way to get more subscribers to the channel.
2.) Interact more with your subscribers. I’m not saying you need to reply to all comments. But a general shout out to the subscribers at the start of the video. Also turn comments on, maybe just once a week. I understand that the comments have been disgusting recently. But the other week you left the comments on. I saw so many nice comments with support.
3.) Maybe start selling merch? You have so many awesome phrases. The amount of T-shirts you could sell. I’m laughing to myself now because I’m thinking of a t-shirt with “jibblet kisser” on 🤣🤣. This could potentially be another way to promote your channel.
Bandit you are brilliant mate. And I know you will make the 100k on YouTube. Keep up the awesome work mate