500 Casino has banned UK players WTF

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  • #139913
    notrege WANTED $41

    Hello, so after signing up to 500 casino via Bandits link and getting above level 500 it seems now they’ve banned UK players. This means that i can’t even try and get my losses back (easily over £1-2k) because i can’t trust any deposits won’t get flagged and withdrawls banned

    500 casino support said:

    Hello, the UK has indeed recently been banned due to license requirements. Players may use a VPN at their own risk and responsibility so as to access and withdraw any remaining funds that they might have.

    i’ve been a forum member for years and years and a follower for even longer but this feels like a kick in teeth to have trusted that Bandit would have had some conversations before hand about using them and bringing in UK refferarals. Assuming he’s being paid for his videos then the casino would have vetted his audiance and known where the signups would be coming from.


    beadie86 WANTED $27

    Sound like the bandit needs to remove that from the casino section incase ppl start having issues withdrawing etc

    notrege WANTED $41

    I’ve reached out for a reply from bandit but nothing back yet

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    Why would you submit KYC info unless your were forced to for withdrawl?

    And why would you trust a offshore company with a copy of your id?

    Madness, It’s like bandit asking for bank statement+id for you to post here.


    notrege WANTED $41

    Have you ever stayed anywhere abroad ? First thing you do is hand over your passport and they take a photocopy. No matter which country you go to, which hotel or airbnb etc and you literally don’t know what safety measures are in place


    but everyone does it without question… why ? Because they are there for a good time and enjoyment, same as with the casinos

    only difference is usually you have holiday insurance…

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    Have you looked up the registered address and t&c’s of these casinos?

    Using your analogy its like going to a hotel/Bnb in a country that UK citizens are banned from,in the middle of nowhere and giving them a copy of your ID before they even ask for it.

    notrege WANTED $41

    The problem here is that we’ve been directed to the country by our guide and been banned while already inside borders and spending money on accommodation and food to be thrown out before being able to eat or sleep


    that’s what I’m saying isn’t right

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    I agree with you its not right but at the same time if you’d have read the t&c’s when signing up.

    Highlights the dangers of blindly following the blind.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    A few questions –

    Why did you KYC? Was it self initiated? I have deposited a literal shit ton at this place and only ever been asked to confirm my email so i’m not sure why that has happened, are your ins and outs in the millions or something?

    When you say reached out to me, how did you do that? Its the first i’m seeing of it.

    Do you use a VPN? The only change i have seen recently is i used to be able to look at my profile, see my rakeback etc with it turned off but now i can’t, so i just make sure its on now if i want to look.

    Anyone else actually gone on live chat and told them they are from the UK? I’m just trying to understand why you’d do that – the casino is openly VPN friendly, they told me i could say that, they don’t need to know anything from you.

    notrege WANTED $41

    BTW i did reply to this but it went into moderation – if this is also in moderatrion just approve the orignal and remove this

    notrege WANTED $41

    Hi Steve thanks for the reply,

    Why did you KYC? Was it self initiated? I have deposited a literal shit ton at this place and only ever been asked to confirm my email so i’m not sure why that has happened, are your ins and outs in the millions or something?

    I couldn’t KYC, i just noticed that before i could access the site normally and depoist, claim vouchers and Rain etc (did need the vpn to play the games as i was doing it in $ anyway as you get to play high stakes) and then i was getting the “access banned” message so wanted to check everything was ok because i have deposited 3.5-4k (with fees etc)

    When you say reached out to me, how did you do that? Its the first i’m seeing of it.

    i posted here, i sent an email to “TheBandit*********@outlook.com” and used the “contact us” form on the website

    Do you use a VPN? The only change i have seen recently is i used to be able to look at my profile, see my rakeback etc with it turned off but now i can’t, so i just make sure its on now if i want to look.

    I do use VPN for the games but if the entire UK is banned i didn’t want to be in a position where i had sunk more money into it and if i won big the account would just be closed, i’m down 1-2k on the site so been increasing the stakes slowly in a controled way in a bid to try claw some RTP  back but now don’t feel like its safe to do that.

    Anyone else actually gone on live chat and told them they are from the UK? I’m just trying to understand why you’d do that – the casino is openly VPN friendly, they told me i could say that, they don’t need to know anything from you.

    I started the chat because it was clear something had shifted recently where the UK was recently banned, they couldn’t argue against compliance because the website was accessable, but banning UK leads to 0 confidence that any genuine big win would be paid out.

    i get that most of this you don’t have to give a shit about, i joined to support the channel because i’ve followed you for 7 years+ and enjoy the content and having a bash and with 500 knowing you are UK based i thought that offerd some secruity (crypto casinos are mostly unregulated)
    but now i feel that has kind of vanished with them banning just as i was starting to get to the rewarding levels


    Goroli WANTED $2

    I don’t think that’s a big deal. All major crypto casinos have some country’s banned because it’s easier to do so than to deal with possible future headaches. Especially when there is vpn.

    But you can always check the TOS regarding VPN usage. If they have an open policy they shouldn’t have any shady sentences in there. I would like to know what they mean with the “use vpn at your own risk” part. What risk exactly?

    Regarding kyc: I’m not registered there, do they have verification levels where the first level is just filling out data without any document check like the other casinos? If so, switch country there. You moved or whatever, if you feel better like this.


    if anything keep in mind it would be a major own goal to now start being shady with their policy, especially with bandit promoting them.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Tbh i think it is something they always intended to have in place anyway, like the other one for example, i’ve never been able to look at any of it without the VPN turned on, this kind of gambling carries risk, as does any type of gambling, there are plenty of stories of UK facing normal places going pop over night and any balances being really hard/impossible to get at, i guess it’s just something you have to accept there is a chance of happening. I wouldn’t say the chance of it happening was any higher just because it is a crypto place, it’s a very well established crypto place played at by a lot of players with followings so it would be insane to start all of a sudden being dicks with people. I noticed the change and it didn’t happen that long ago but my first thought was to turn the vpn on and try again and it was all the same so i just assumed they’d corrected something they always intended to happen anyway.

    jay6767 WANTED $1

    i never normally moan but when are you going to notice the position the dead canaries land to make the bonus are the positions they are put in ,everytime you go thats not the position id put them in grates my ocd but keep up the great work i love your sense of humour cracks me up

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