A friggin nightmare ?

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  • #72749
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    So, I’m in southport with my other half and daughter for the week, and yesterday was one of the worst days I’ve ever experienced. I was getting ready in the bedroom, other half was playing hide and seek with daughter and then a second later, she disappears. I look everywhere for her, and the scary thing was, the door was open. I shouted her for 10 minutes telling her to come out but no reply, so other half took off one was round the site and I took off the other. I was screaming her name looking like a proper looney, running round the river thinking she fell in there, running through the park, and about 10 people following me asking what she was wearing and how long she had been missing. I’d been back to the caravan multiple times to see if she had gone back, and had another look to see if I could find her. 20 minutes pass and theres security looking for her, 3 people in cars, 1 on a bike, and a few on foot when a the man on the bike tells me a lady has found her. I ran round back to the bloody caravan to the neighbour, who told me she had seen Mia poke her head out of the caravan door!! I asked my darling 4 year old where the fudge she had been, and why she was ignoring us, she said she was playing hide and seek under the bed and in the cupboard in the kitchen. She never once has gone in these places while we have been here. I’m so happy we found her, but how she hid without not coming out, not being seen despite me and other half looking for her, not hearing me screaming for her, for half a bloody hour is beyond me.

    Just wanted to rant.. I’m still a bit shaken.. but i think i have the best hide and seek player in the world! ??

    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    Glad everything ended well , worse feeling ever when you can’t find your child

    remember I lost my daughter in a shop once , she was just a toddler but she was right beside me , next min she was gone, about shit myself , luckily she hadn’t went far but those  mins looking were worst ever

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Haha ???

    Have you not played hide and seek before? Under the bed and cupboards are the 1st place to check ? atleast she came out before a full meltdown ?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I did check in both places, this is what’s annoying me. I think she switched rooms as soon as she saw me leave and went to hide somewhere else.

    I refuse to leave the caravan for a few days now, neighbours will think oh look crazy bitch is out ?

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Winningbird wrote:

    I did check in both places, this is what’s annoying me. I think she switched rooms as soon as she saw me leave and went to hide somewhere else.

    I refuse to leave the caravan for a few days now, neighbours will think oh look crazy bitch is out ?

    Haha yeah that’s it grounded until she hits 18 now ?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Omg I’m not surprised you were panicking like mad. Happy it ended well and thing is you can’t tell her off lol. Last year i was talking to a lady in liverpool at her front door. She was in the porch and i was outside. Next thing i hear slam. Her son not even 2 years old shut the inside door leaving his mother in the porch locked out. All the other doors were locked. She grabbed his hand through the letter box then eventually he let go. He started to go upstairs as they had no stair gate. Well she went hysterical. I’d already phoned the police who were still on the way. She almost put her hand through the window screaming and panicking. Blood all over her hands I’m there grabbing hold of her trying to calm her down before the police arrive. I ask her to think who has a key. Her in laws had a key and somehow she reels off their phone number so i ring them and tell them to get over to her house. They eventually arrive followed by 2 police cars 1 fire engine in this tiny cul de sac. Half an hour this all takes of which i obviously stay with her the whole time. I’d never met her until that day but i couldn’t leave her. She actually rang me the following day to thank me for staying with her. Anyway point is I’ve seen first hand the panic in a mother when she can’t either find or get to her child. It’s instinct as the panic sets in. It’s also the unconditional love a parent has for a child as well. You know what’s quite strange i think I’m in that area of liverpool today. I might pop in. I hope if i do she has invested on putting a latch on her door.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    O gosh Thats funny only because you found her winningbird lol but yes you may have a hide and seek champ on your hands there 🙂 pahahaha

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    So glad you found the Lil one WB x

    Heres an idea….

    And tbh I don’t see why it hasn’t been done yet.

    I think any child under the age of 10 should be chipped and tagged like a cat or dog. With the option to remove it too. Kinda like a find my iPhone app. Would solve a lot of nightmare situations like this.

    But it would totally fuck up their hide and seek strategy’s ?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    JB you can’t tag a child, she’s not an animal hahaha.

    I’ve kept all the curtains shut in the caravan this morning, and when I go for a drive, it’s safe to say I’ll be disguising my self in massive sunglasses and my hair down for the first time this holiday, hopefully they won’t recognise me haha.

    It’s not a nice situation to be in, and I feel for the woman who’s kid got locked in their house. To be fair though, I’d rather her get locked in our house than some caravan site she doesn’t know. At least I can kick the door down to get in ?



    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Winningbird wrote:

    JB you can’t tag a child, she’s not an animal hahaha.

    I’ve kept all the curtains shut in the caravan this morning, and when I go for a drive, it’s safe to say I’ll be disguising my self in massive sunglasses and my hair down for the first time this holiday, hopefully they won’t recognise me haha.

    It’s not a nice situation to be in, and I feel for the woman who’s kid got locked in their house. To be fair though, I’d rather her get locked in our house than some caravan site she doesn’t know. At least I can kick the door down to get in ?



    You saying u can’t tag a child cos its not an animal?

    lets say the unthinkable happened yesterday and u didn’t find her after a few hrs. Would u wish she was tagged?

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    NIGHTMARE . but u should get out there and enjoy ure holliday .sure people would like to know that ure ok after that kind of experience . being a good parent isnt a crime. Enjoy the rest of ure holls and dont be silly????☉☉

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’ve been out today with the little one, though we have decided to cut the holiday short because theres bugger all to do and the sea is closed off. Something to do with an oil leak. Was good while it lasted but definitely going back to where we went last year for our next holiday. 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Wow yeah i can imagine that was pretty scary – the innocence of kids eh, thinking they are the hide and seek champion of the world as you leg it all around screaming your head off!

    Avernite WANTED $23

    Hell of a scare so happy she’s safe though ? maybe take that game off the games list… Lol

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