your not wrong mate im in the same boat i dont go out know becuase £4.80 a pint is a joke wont go for meals with misses i would rather cook but id happily waste £1500 on the slots il go through phases where il loose thousands and hit nothing then give up for a few months recover everything and repeat misses really wants to buy a house now so this is the time for me to stop both work our asses off and she has been very understanding i have even done 4k in a night when she has been in bed and had to brake it to her four fucking grand could of went on a amazing holiday or any other countless great experiences and punted it in a few hours if i didnt cut back majorly doubt id still be here now you wont win never will overall and im now at the point where in my mind there is a different rtp to streamers then the rest of us so done with it.