A gambler’s question about Corona-19.

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    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I contradicted my self there, I meant risk of death is low not risk of contraction, I beleive risk of contraction is significant due to the potential to pass it to those with compromised immune systems

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    I’m nit sure about your “lab” idea…. I happen to have a friend who is a viral scientist at a very famous medicine manufacturer and my next door neighbour is a scientist acquirer for many big companies, and I’ve asked about the potential of it being lab based , and he and she both came back and said ( in essence)  Coronavirus  is is the third outbreak we’ve had after SARS  and MERS, so it’s not a shock that it’s arrived, bats do carry a strain of different viruses coronus being one, the gene make up of coronus has been broken down and there is no sign of human involvement  into the dna …. yhe “ sequencing” in the make up is approximately random so possibility of human interference is grain of salt small ….

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    The sequencing of the gene make up is appropriately random and so shows the chance of human interaction or manipulation to be less than 1%

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    So if humans had “ weaponised “ it our played around with it, then sections of the gene/ dna become obvious …… so coronus is random

    For example, normal virus sequence

    145629749273  ( random )

    but if humans had interfered then it would look like this

    1456¥¥¥29¥¥¥749273 …. ( sections of the genes don’t follow the same pattern )

    Sorry for the three post,

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Ps SARS and MERS are from the same family as covid … that’s what I meant with “ this is the third outbreak “


    dman wheres the edit button gone

    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Well it didn’t come from a  bat sandwich,in the coming weeks it will transpire it came from a level four bio lab.whether it was released intentionally or not remains to be seen.the psychopath and eugenicist bill gates seem hell bent on vaccinating the entire planet with his nano chip vaccine.if true then we really are going into a dark place indeed.throw in some 60 Ghz 5 g and the future is looking rather bleak.obviously there will be a percentage of the population that will think its conspiracy theory nonsense but all I say is do your own research and make up your own minds.better this than being spoon fed fear and panic by the British bullshitting corporation(bbc).who wants to be a sheep being led up the ramp to the slaughter house.obviously the victims have my deepest sympathies,let’s hope we can all get through this and I prey all this will never happen in the forceable future.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Well it didn’t come from a  bat sandwich,in the coming weeks it will transpire it came from a level four bio lab.whether it was released intentionally or not remains to be seen.the psychopath and eugenicist bill gates seem hell bent on vaccinating the entire planet with his nano chip vaccine.if true then we really are going into a dark place indeed.throw in some 60 Ghz 5 g and the future is looking rather bleak.obviously there will be a percentage of the population that will think its conspiracy theory nonsense but all I say is do your own research and make up your own minds.better this than being spoon fed fear and panic by the British bullshitting corporation(bbc).who wants to be a sheep being led up the ramp to the slaughter house.obviously the victims have my deepest sympathies,let’s hope we can all get through this and I prey all this will never happen in the forceable future.

    They aren’t saying humans caught it from a bat… the science suggests bats carry a wide range of covid type viruses, and that virus was passed onto another animal before it passed to human,  pangolin for example, as the pangolin meat and scales are valued and are found at the food market..  but the pangolin is on the protective list and so it wasn’t highlighted as an animal for sale when the investigators moved in,  as they didn’t want to admit the selling of pangolins was still happening at the Chinese market …..the only thing that is up for debate around the world is which animal introduced  it to humans …. but eating bats isn’t how humans got it

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Bill Gate told everyone 5 years ago about deadly virus all ignore him

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Well it didn’t come from a  bat sandwich,in the coming weeks it will transpire it came from a level four bio lab.whether it was released intentionally or not remains to be seen.the psychopath and eugenicist bill gates seem hell bent on vaccinating the entire planet with his nano chip vaccine.if true then we really are going into a dark place indeed.throw in some 60 Ghz 5 g and the future is looking rather bleak.obviously there will be a percentage of the population that will think its conspiracy theory nonsense but all I say is do your own research and make up your own minds.better this than being spoon fed fear and panic by the British bullshitting corporation(bbc).who wants to be a sheep being led up the ramp to the slaughter house.obviously the victims have my deepest sympathies,let’s hope we can all get through this and I prey all this will never happen in the forceable future.

    I totally despair. You have a long list of unsubstantiated wild arsed assertions with absolutely no concrete evidence to back them up.

    What is more likely? That a new strain of coronovirus has developed naturally (as has been the case with every natural disease prior to the past 80 years) or that it was developed in some lab?

    What is more likely? That Bill Gates wants to inject us all with some nano-chip vaccine to monitor our movements and control our minds, or that he’s a very wealthy man who wants to help the world currently in crisis?

    What is more likely? That 60GHz 5g capacity is being developed to fill a commercial need and make said companies billions or that the intent is to create an infrastructure to control the masses?

    Conspiracy theories are rife across the internet; anything from faked lunar landings to the world being run by an alien race of lizards. Are every one of these theories wrong? Probably not.

    But dragging stuff out off your arse and presenting it as something which should be treated as a credible proposition is just what it sounds like. Total shite!


    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Conspiracy theorists are the biggest retards on the face of the earth.

    Trillions and trillions lost so bill gates can install nanochips and they can put up 5G masts (which aren’t dangerous) ???

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Oldmoon wrote:

    Well it didn’t come from a  bat sandwich,in the coming weeks it will transpire it came from a level four bio lab.whether it was released intentionally or not remains to be seen.the psychopath and eugenicist bill gates seem hell bent on vaccinating the entire planet with his nano chip vaccine.if true then we really are going into a dark place indeed.throw in some 60 Ghz 5 g and the future is looking rather bleak.obviously there will be a percentage of the population that will think its conspiracy theory nonsense but all I say is do your own research and make up your own minds.better this than being spoon fed fear and panic by the British bullshitting corporation(bbc).who wants to be a sheep being led up the ramp to the slaughter house.obviously the victims have my deepest sympathies,let’s hope we can all get through this and I prey all this will never happen in the forceable future.

    5G lol

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Just a thought for people who believe this 5G rubbish.

    The 5G radiation is so much weaker: a 5G cell transmits at 46 dBm the most, which is 40 Watts. And you hardly get closer than 100m to the antenna, which brings down the energy your body feels by a factor of 10.000 to the milliwatt range.

    Your microwave oven generates microwave radiation of 600 W at least; most of that stays inside, but be sure that there is some leakage. And you get very close to the device. So Microwave Oven is “worse” for your body in terms of absorbed radiation than 5G.

    Nonwithstanding that the worst thing Microwave can do to living cells is to burn them — like a stove element or a cup of hot water poured over you. Despite public rumors, there is no risk of cancer with Microwave. That risk comes with much much harder electromagnetic radiation, like sun light, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray. All the same sort of thing, but the mentioned ones have photons of million to billion times the energy, and can actually interfere with the chemistry of body cells. Microwave photons cannot.

    5G also has a fine time-frequency structure of the radiation, capable of carrying a lot of information from transmitter to receiver. Microwave oven radiation doesn’t have such structure. It is just heavy bulk bombardment of the target with photons, in order to heat it up.

    In popular tool language: 5G is like the fine surgeon’s scalpel; Microwave oven is like a wrecking ball in comparison.

    Now if im right in thinking… the microwave was first sold in the 1940’s and is to this day the most potent thing in most peoples house 5G is a kitten in terms of radiation produced etc.

    In short microwave didn’t manage to mutate the flu in over 70+ years but 5G managed it before its even fully rolled out worldwide.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    JayZ2k9 WANTED $4

    Contagion, watch this I did yesterday, was a bit of an eye opener.

    To compare COVID-19 with a Slot RTP is fucking rediculous. If we lost 5% of the UK population alone due to Coronavirus that’s roughly 3.3 million lives lost.

    That is a huge deal, wow I can’t believe this fucking idiot.



    whoswho WANTED $118

    ulrichburke wrote:

    Dear Everyone.

    In the middle of all this Corona-bull – you’ll understand why I say that in a moment – I’ve got a couple of questions to ask that I’d LOVE a bit of feedback about.

    First one is – I’ve read that the death rate from this thing is ONE PERCENT TO ABOUT FIVE PERCENT, depending on where you look.  Now if you played a slot which guaranteed you ninety-nine percent of your money back, would you think you were onto a good thing or not? If ‘yes’, what the heck is all the fuss about? One hundred and forty thousand people died of MEASLES last year.  There’s a vaccine for measles, yet all those people still died from it and you heard nothing about it in any of the papers.  So why is the world making so much fuss about this? Flat don’t get it.

    OK, count the whole para. above as one question (so sue me!) Here’s the next and I’m putting the proof in as well. The British Govt. officially DOWNGRADED the Corona-virus on March the 20th.  Why? Because it was killing SO FEW PEOPLE they didn’t think it was worth calling a pandemic (Note – the WHO changed the meaning of the word ‘pandemic’ awhile back.  Originally, it meant something that killed a LOAD of people worldwide (forget the number, but it was big!) Now, it’s just a disease that’s widespread regardless of how many it kills.)  Here’s the proof….


    Now OK you have to scroll down a bit, past the blue bit at the top, but when you’ve scrolled down you’ll find some very interesting reading.  Like how the Govt’s DOWNGRADED Corona-19 because – wait for it! – IT KILLED SO FEW PEOPLE! Now that’s not what they’re telling us on the news all the time, is it! So what do you think is REALLY going on?

    This is all very bizarre and rather worrying when one considers in 2014/15 there were 28,330 recorded flu deaths averaging 17,000 between 2014/15 and 2018/2019. Whereas deaths supposedly from COVID-19 as of 1 April stand at 2,352 with 29,474 infected cases. Indeed, the WHO says that up to 20% of the population may be infected by flu every year in Europe dependant on the particular strain of flu circulating.  Europe’s population is almost 750 million so this would give a possible infected figure of 150 million. As of today there have only been 853,200 reported cases of coronavirus/COVID 19 worldwide.

    So you’ve got a disease with a 1-5% death rate, that kills less than flu and measles, that has less than a million worldwide cases (get the possible flu infection figures above, let along the measles figures!) and a supposed death rate of less than 2,500!! Now as a gambler, I’d say the odds of me surviving catching that in a crowded street are pretty danged good.  And if I’d just left a slot where I’d only lost one percent of my money, I’d prob. be overjoyed.

    Someone tell me – what’s all the fuss and panic about? I flat do not get it.

    Yours puzzledly




    Put 2 cotton buds in each of your nostrils,Grab a very wet towel and wrap it around your mouth, now try breathing through the towel for 2weeks. That’s mild symptoms for you asshole see how you deal with it.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Oldmoon wrote:

    obviously the victims have my deepest sympathies

    Obviously they don’t, because the rubbish about 5g etc that you’re spouting shits all over what they’ve gone through.

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