All this steamer “transparencies”

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  • #69580
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Maybe just me but all these streamers coming out protesting how honest and transparent they are about fake money isnt washing with me, making out like they are doing us a favour, i iust dont get it.

    Why not be more transparent and say how much they earn a month doing this? I would respect them all more for it. I would happily reveal what i earn if i was asked!

    I seen that idiot chip saying he was 30k down in a year on casumo, in my opinion he is the worst streamer who cashes out the minute he can, wonder how much he is making bearing in mind he fucks off at the earliest opportunity?

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Well they are providing a service you can enjoy for free, so in a way they’re doing you a favour. Atleast if you watch their content.

    As for the transparency trend, people better be out with it fast, cus the longer it takes for people to do it, the more questions people will ask to them why they waited so long, while coming with accusations like “you waited 2 weeks cus that’s the time it took you to photoshop it, didn’t you?”.

    But for real dude, people have other shit to do as well, and the affiliates should be more than happy with their money back from their streaming sessions, cus at the end of the day it’s the affiliation that gives them their income. The gambling is an expense in the long run.

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have no issue with how much the good streamers make, like u say, they provide entertainment, bandit is def high quality, rolla too but more sporadic appearances from them both of late for various reasons.

    The like of nick and chip who come out with this “i love you all” pish boils my blood! Fake as fuck reactions grind my gears too, chip is the worst, has no idea about the offers he promotes, blatantly obvious hes on the rob

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    cashing out when you hit a win. Outrageous!!

    LCA81 WANTED $24

    I watched jimbos disclosure vid, he said all of the known streamers where down massively over the lifetime on certain casinos and his £25,000 down on casumo I think he said was the lowest! So how much is been made off affiliation! Craig said he gives all of his away on giveaways, for full transparency the might as well show these figures then everything is out in the open

    awesomex WANTED $136

    LCA81 wrote:

    I watched jimbos disclosure vid, he said all of the known streamers where down massively over the lifetime on certain casinos and his £25,000 down on casumo I think he said was the lowest! So how much is been made off affiliation! Craig said he gives all of his away on giveaways, for full transparency the might as well show these figures then everything is out in the open

    I’m 25k down on casumo myself, and I’m not a streamer. Atleast Jimbo gets his money back through affiliation.

    I like Jimbo. He seems very real to me. What I don’t like is when people don’t stream themselves. When they group up and have other people in their streams. When they have a “too professional” kinda look on it. To me I like the old looking stuff, where they sit in their own house alone with their own computer and don’t have friends over watching, and it’s the same dude playing all the time.

    I used to love casinodaddy, but it’s not the same to me to watch the other guys there stream. I started following them when it was just the bros streaming, now they have people working for them to stream. I tune in to their channel every other day to talk with some of the people in chat, but that’s it really.

    It’s the same with Fruity. I mean I like that one guy. Josh or whatever. He’s entertaining. Think he’s the main guy, but anyway.. The rest i can’t relate to, and so I dont watch them.

    My absolute fav used to be LGIAS, but that was when he was sitting on the couch at home, not in some office or whatever with a million people around him.



    Kelvie WANTED $45

    How nosey are you ? wanting to see peoples bussiness money. You do the same in shops you shop in ask them how much they’ve made off you, cause you know they bought that stuff cheaper than they sold it to you!

    Did someone just get pissed off cause a streamer cashes put ????? Wow.

    Kelvie WANTED $45

    How nosey are you ? wanting to see peoples bussiness money. You do the same in shops you shop in ask them how much they’ve made off you, cause you know they bought that stuff cheaper than they sold it to you!

    Did someone just get pissed off cause a streamer cashes out ????? Wow.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    I’m too hungover for this shit

    Kelvie WANTED $45

    I’m still drunk, hangover ain’t it yet. I have fear it’s gonna hit me like a ton of bricks!

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Lol. That will be me tomorrow ????

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Dc39 wrote:

    Maybe just me but all these streamers coming out protesting how honest and transparent they are about fake money isnt washing with me, making out like they are doing us a favour, i iust dont get it.

    Why not be more transparent and say how much they earn a month doing this? I would respect them all more for it. I would happily reveal what i earn if i was asked!

    I seen that idiot chip saying he was 30k down in a year on casumo, in my opinion he is the worst streamer who cashes out the minute he can, wonder how much he is making bearing in mind he fucks off at the earliest opportunity?

    I want your wage slips for the last 6 months posted here.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Maybe just me but all these streamers coming out protesting how honest and transparent they are about fake money isnt washing with me, making out like they are doing us a favour, i iust dont get it.

    Why not be more transparent and say how much they earn a month doing this? I would respect them all more for it. I would happily reveal what i earn if i was asked!

    I seen that idiot chip saying he was 30k down in a year on casumo, in my opinion he is the worst streamer who cashes out the minute he can, wonder how much he is making bearing in mind he fucks off at the earliest opportunity?

    I want your wage slips for the last 6 months posted here.


    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    LCA81 wrote:

    I watched jimbos disclosure vid, he said all of the known streamers where down massively over the lifetime on certain casinos and his £25,000 down on casumo I think he said was the lowest! So how much is been made off affiliation! Craig said he gives all of his away on giveaways, for full transparency the might as well show these figures then everything is out in the open

    Well, the thing is, it’s got absolutely fuck all to do with you. I certainly wouldn’t be happy with people knowing my financial business. Do you think you’ve got a right to theirs because you’ve watched a few videos on YouTube?

    It doesn’t matter how much they make through affiliation.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    LCA81 wrote:

    I watched jimbos disclosure vid, he said all of the known streamers where down massively over the lifetime on certain casinos and his £25,000 down on casumo I think he said was the lowest! So how much is been made off affiliation! Craig said he gives all of his away on giveaways, for full transparency the might as well show these figures then everything is out in the open

    Well, the thing is, it’s got absolutely fuck all to do with you. I certainly wouldn’t be happy with people knowing my financial business. Do you think you’ve got a right to theirs because you’ve watched a few videos on YouTube?

    It doesn’t matter how much they make through affiliation.

    Well actually it does matter mate.

    Me showing my wage slips to you right now woukd be idiotic and frankly non of your business. Your complete right. I’m in no any way tied to you. And you have no stake in what I earn.

    But an affiliate showing how much they make is a complete different thing.

    I’m tied to that affiliate for life. I help him/her earn that wedge. My imput keeps him/her relevant in the process of earning. I enter his/her prize draws. I contribute hugely to his/her earning power.

    So yeah I wanna know how much they earn. It’s not that much of a big deal really.

    And I don’t mind being told by him/her to get fucked lol. Id just simply say fair play. Whatever. Fuck off then. ?

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