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  • #59927
    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Yea, it’s a CRAZY amount of money.. but, i think/hope bandit has been gambling for most of his adult life, and knows that although he’s on a run with reel king, it could easily all go wrong, and a couple of bad sessions and he could easily be 200k+ in the red.

    I think most of us if we were 100k up, would just say, fuck it, i’m not gambling for year, gonna enjoy this money while i have it.. (i know i would) but, the difference here, is  this.. Bandit does this for a living.. you or i, we get up , go to work, earn a breadcrumb, pay the mortage.

    Bandit gets up, moistens his index finger with oil of ulay, (*especially on Grosvenor) 🙂 … loads up reel king, and then his biggest , and most important decision is, When do i UP the stake, so i still make a profit ?

    The top, seems to be a certainty, at some point. or seems to up to now..

    So that’s the big difference between him and us. Other than Poker players, how many professional gamblers are there in the UK.. not many i would hazard a guess….


    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Looks like ive got away with 1 or 2 then

    Now im glad i did what i did in my last 2 sesions .

    Shat it LOL ??

    Due to where i was in the game money wise and after an early donk at the top on my usual 10p start  .i was confident ,  so started upping my stakes quicker than normal . So 80p stakes and im startin to sweat as im on £360 out of £500 in deposits and there it is   £800+ top  use my head for once and take the £400 + for profit on the game . Afte reading bandit /wiggy/gav i now know i did the right thing . I also did  a similar thin the last time to . PPPPHHHEEEEWWWW

    well done bandit ya fkn bampot .??

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Congrats bandit, sounded like it was going to be a bad session for you until those tops. I don’t play reel king anymore, I’ve had my 5 scrolls, but I know if I did I’d be trying my arse off to get to the top of that ladder.

    Irvine69 WANTED $3

    Bandit ur a fucking loony I don’t no how u do it months I’ve been trying to hit the top lol still no luck ! Keep on with it Haha one day I’ll get there I’m sure . Keep on eith the videos love them

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Quick question have you ever donked 2 days in a row before the massive comeback .

    as all sessions seem to have ended in money back or profit .


    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Smokingbeagle wrote:

    Quick question have you ever donked 2 days in a row before the massive comeback .

    as all sessions seem to have ended in money back or profit .


    Other than say starting a session at like 8pm and finishing it at 8am, i don’t really go over 2 days mate. I will just call a session a loss. I have had losing sessions of £105k, £100k, £60k, £50k, 27k those are the ones i remember off the top of my head so yeah, i have losing session if that is what you are asking. One of those was Grosvenor, one was Videoslots and three were Casumo so any Casumo figures you’ve seen from me include a £100k, 50k and a 27k loss at least.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Fuckkk closing the computer and walking away after being 100k deep must take some strength, I bet it hurt like fuck ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Novo wont change it. Ssame as wild swarm.

    Just because these games are beatable slightly, doesnt mean most people can afford to beat it

    Bandit found a way to martingale 2 slots, and he doesnt even do it correctly (As im sure he knows) There is a mathematical way to play the 2 games he wins at, and if he stuck to it it would be more profitable in the long run, but he loves doing it the way he does. All credit to the guy.

    However – Just as the games are beatable, doesnt mean we can all do it. To beat wild swarm consitantly you need a bankroll of 220k. To beat ReelKing you need 300k. This will remove the risk of losing and youll be ok.

    But who has that amount?


    You can do it cheaper, but Swarm only works if you start on 2quid stake and raise, and RK you can do cheaper, but the profit amounts arent work it unless you go big Starting at 20p using the “system” you could win a few hundred quid each month i guess. But time > That money.

    Arsenal75 WANTED $1

    Hello Mr. Bandit been following your reel king videos on youtube for a while now just have one question is it only in UK u can play that game on casumo and video slots? Because here in Sweden where im from the only choice of game to play is named 4 reel king :O have u ever tried that one, it almost feels like the change to that game gives less big gamble pay outs (have only managed 4 times in 27 sessions) would be very grateful to hear any opinion on it i know u are rather busy but never hurts to ask its free // anyway have a great next one session on Reel King mate

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Absolute mentalist life changing moving with a click of a mouse ? allways enjoyable to watch tho big risk huge reward top dollar ? lend us £50 notes haha ? keep up the good work allways enjoy your video’s 🙂 Bandit the real reel King topper ? ✌️ ?

    clarky WANTED $3

    Film these sessions even turn the mic off so it’s not like making a video for you.but upload the lot. There more interesting than most of YouTube. I love it

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    The Bandit wrote:

    Smokingbeagle wrote:

    Quick question have you ever donked 2 days in a row before the massive comeback .

    as all sessions seem to have ended in money back or profit .


    Other than say starting a session at like 8pm and finishing it at 8am, i don’t really go over 2 days mate. I will just call a session a loss. I have had losing sessions of £105k, £100k, £60k, £50k, 27k those are the ones i remember off the top of my head so yeah, i have losing session if that is what you are asking. One of those was Grosvenor, one was Videoslots and three were Casumo so any Casumo figures you’ve seen from me include a £100k, 50k and a 27k loss at least.

    Ok maybe let me rephrase have you ever donked 2 sessions in a row on REELKING

    i know about the £106 k loss and then building back up as I’ve seen the thread .

    and the £108k loss before winning it all back (crazy

    also do you play every day .?

    also sorry about the late post can’t sleep ?

    awesomex WANTED $136

    It’s actually insane. If I had 5% of what you deposit in a session like this, I’d be out in the streets with my car packed with food for the homeless.

    nitroracer94 WANTED $1

    Any chance of playing some 4 Reel King Bandit on videoslots and leaving Reel King for a bit so i can get a better jackpot than £100 on it lol Had 8 jackpots off 4 Reel King in the last 12 months my first on normal Reel King was the other day and it was on a 20p stake aiming to get it on £2 today fingers crossed

    Geordiemark42 WANTED $68

    You are fucking nuts lol. Hope the wife is doing OK.

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