Anyone have a Fruit Machine in their house?

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    yep got one £15 JP used to belong to a Arcade it said on the booking it had taken about £150k in profit in its time out of £250k put trhough it. it was in my local arcade for about 8-10yrs


    Xbobmad WANTED $735


    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’ve had a few, but don’t have the room now little one has her own bedroom.

    I’ve had Indiana Jones, a deal or no deal, a betty boop Chinese thing.. can’t remember name of it, and I think other was cops and robbers. I had quite a few full size pinball machines too, great way to pass time when waiting for Chinese hahaha

    nickuk911 WANTED $18

    I’ve owned a few over the years including “Cash Raider” by ACE, Club Monty Python £250 (Barcrest), Revolution £25 Barcrest, Original £250 Club DOND,  Popeye £6 JPM and Indiana Jones £70.

    Monty Phthon Club was definitely the most enjoyable machine it took a long time to finally get bored of playing it.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Had club 250 jackpot psycho cash beast. Endless hours of fun on that. Great fun.

    FruitVideos WANTED $7

    I am full up!

    Two T7s linked to community, Interplay, Jackpot King, X Games 2, Test Pilot, Nudge Money, Viva Espana, Adders & Ladders, Cashino, Always Eight, Lite A Nudge, No Limit Nudge, Austin Powers, Only Fools N Horses, Around The Town, Ring A Bell and Monopoly.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    FruitVideos wrote:

    I am full up!

    Two T7s linked to community, Interplay, Jackpot King, X Games 2, Test Pilot, Nudge Money, Viva Espana, Adders & Ladders, Cashino, Always Eight, Lite A Nudge, No Limit Nudge, Austin Powers, Only Fools N Horses, Around The Town, Ring A Bell and Monopoly.

    Haha i bet your electric bill is mint 😀

    Would love a Jackpot King actually, one of the more fun machines to play definitely.


    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    I use to have a coronation st and eastenders machine in my garage great machines

    Steller WANTED $34

    I dont see the fun in playing for your own money. Bit like playing chess against yourself. But each to thier own eh!                                                    Buddylove has loads of em.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    FruitVideos wrote:

    I am full up!

    Two T7s linked to community, Interplay, Jackpot King, X Games 2, Test Pilot, Nudge Money, Viva Espana, Adders & Ladders, Cashino, Always Eight, Lite A Nudge, No Limit Nudge, Austin Powers, Only Fools N Horses, Around The Town, Ring A Bell and Monopoly.


    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Fucking hell mate do you live in Coral Island, that’s just class.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Fishsta wrote:


    Got a Big Bucks and a Club Ooh Aah Dracula… and a homemade arcade cabinet.

    Ahh the Dracula had a good system, think it was collect the £150 or something then drop the £250… I forget tbh but I won on that a few times ???

    Does your big bucks Number ? ???JPM were great they usually all work from skill chances & all show A number when due?

    Msher WANTED $0

    I sell the machines to the industry. Why don’t you get the Slotto 500 cabinet (£500 jackpot) which has around 22 games on it including all the Reel king games that have the gamble feature on it. Not very expensive either.

    2112jsm WANTED $8

    Only machine I ever owned was an Ace Caesar’s Palace. I bought it back in the day to practice Roman Reels. Those of a certain age will remember what I’m talking about!

    Sadly, my flat got broken into and they wrecked the machine to get to it’s cash box.

    I’d love to play it again, awesome machine!

    On another note, I broke my wrist on Christmas Eve so I’ve loads of time on my hands as I’m off work. Been spending it productively by watching old Bandit videos!

    Bean57 WANTED $1


    I have always wanted a fruit machine or seven but my flat is too small. When I finally move to a house I plan on having a games room but no-one else can play my fruit machines as my mum is far too lucky and would clean me out.

    I prefer the older machines with the great features but the Slotto 500 cabinet sounds good.

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