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  • #26729
    Jamezwww WANTED $11

    Bandit, have you considered making an app? I am not sure the effort or cost involved maybe it would be too much but it would be cool to just access the forum via app

    -Dist WANTED $23

    Massive cost and effort for no benefit whatsoever. You can use the site just fine on mobile phones since the site isn’t riddled with ads like most forums are.

    One thing I’ll say is that if support for tapatalk could be implemented some might find it useful. I do not use it though so I don’t know much about it.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I looked in to an app a long time ago and the cost seemed tremendous for what you actually got – on most phones now the website kind of saves itself as an app looking icon anyway it seems, not sure what tapatalk is, will have a look.

    -Dist WANTED $23

    Tapatalk from my understanding is basically an app for all forums that support it. Some sites are near impossible to use on mobile too so having an app there is useful since not every forum is gonna have its own app. And tbh I don’t think people would want one app per forum either…just like reddit why not have all discussion behind one app. That’s the idea behind tapatalk and I would imagine the OP would find it offers what he wants.


    Also unrelated but why does the site not keep me logged in? Same on mobile and pc. I have the box checked. Often I post and it says post is waiting for review but it’s because I’m not logged in.. Eventually my posts appear and under my name too which is mysterious since I wasn’t even logged in but…I’d rather stay logged in.

    Jamezwww WANTED $11

    Ok was just a thought, I thought if people see it more on their phone they might come back more if you know what I mean but I thought it might be insanely expensive tbh. I have that log out issue as well.

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