April Prize Draw Results

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  • #65700
    robster8797 WANTED $3

    But if wanting a response is so out of order, I’m sorry.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i think if wrong email sent think should be no win  END OF


    robster8797 WANTED $3

    How should it be no win? I have gone though his link but I have three email addresses due to work etc. The email submitted doesn’t even have a betvictor account. I do nothing but support him putting it down as a no win isn’t fair.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    well must be your first time supporting him through betvictor as when you use bandits comps you just click enter and your email is there,or you put wrong email to begin with.and its £50 the bandit will get it to you if he gets the green light from betvictor i can tell you that

    robster8797 WANTED $3

    It isn’t the first time, I’ve supported through every one I love the vids and as long as I do my bit that’s fine.

    Ive apologised to him for the bother that’s that. There was no intention to upset anyone I’m obviously just a dick…

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i am not having a go at any one just saying i have been here a long time and enter every mth never  won sod all but i know it helps to support the video’s etc .and all the time every one has had there money not once has any one not got there money.maybe you should put some input on here and get  chatting some great people on here.plus mate bandit all ways tells winners it takes about a week for money as it’s the casino he has to wait on

    robster8797 WANTED $3

    I know mate. It’s all been blown out of proportion. I ain’t against him and I didn’t want an argument or to upset him. It is what is is now.

    FreeStyle WANTED $22

    Wow. This escalated very quickly.

    If you have seen any of Bandits videos near the start of the month, you will have heard multiple times that if you’re not verified the first time, he will give you a chance to explain it and he will send off the new info for verification.

    Expecting a reply to every message sent, effectively doubles / trebles his workload, and considering he does these as a good gesture, it’s hard to justify wanting that.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Ok calm down folk’s emails take around a week as there as you know are about 3 or 4 draws going on and verification is subject to the casino getting back to bandit if they decide to take there time it’s out of his hand if for any reason a wrong email is supplied then verification will take longer. In regards to getting replies every time he resubmits details, it would be a ballache as there are lots of emails as bandit said each day to go through he tries to reply to as many as he can but it’s not possible to reply to all of them. So sit back your money will arrive as long as your verified and that should be enough for anyone thanks 😀


    robster8797 WANTED $3

    Doesn’t cost me anything apart from signing up to every casino through him, depositing on the site and being active through the month every month. I’ve had a response now anyway it takes five seconds of the day to let someone know an email address has been submitted.

    Slotking_823 WANTED $1

    Hi I’m Slotking_823. I think I came first on the videoslots draw. My first time entering. I don’t have a YouTube account it’s just my email address. I was wondering how I claim the prize

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I have now emailed every person, please check your inboxes and check your junk folders. There is a mixture of verified winners, incorrect email addresses and non affiliated accounts, please get back to me if i have asked for extra information. If you have been told that you didn’t use my link, it is sometimes possible to speak to the casino involved to ask who, if anyone, you may be affiliated to, it has happened in the past where people have thought they used mine but used Casino Daddy or Nick or Jimbo etc and they have been able to find that out. As i am sure you will agree, it is important for the winners to have fulfilled the specific draw criteria to maintain the integrity of the prize draws, this ensures entry remains fair to all that enter correctly.




    Dazzashaw46 WANTED $3

    Love your channel its the banter that cracks me up lol. I’ve tried to message you through twitter but realise you probably get hundreds of spam messages. Do you do all your online stuff at home? I messaged cos I’m starting a you tube page for my outbuilding work and thought I’d show you some clips incase you want a outbuilding office made. Ya never know it can’t harm me offering it may get me noticed lol

    awesomex WANTED $136

    The Bandit wrote:

    I have now emailed every person, please check your inboxes and check your junk folders. There is a mixture of verified winners, incorrect email addresses and non affiliated accounts, please get back to me if i have asked for extra information. If you have been told that you didn’t use my link, it is sometimes possible to speak to the casino involved to ask who, if anyone, you may be affiliated to, it has happened in the past where people have thought they used mine but used Casino Daddy or Nick or Jimbo etc and they have been able to find that out. As i am sure you will agree, it is important for the winners to have fulfilled the specific draw criteria to maintain the integrity of the prize draws, this ensures entry remains fair to all that enter correctly.




    I can verify this. I was sure I used Bandit’s link for betvictor to register to BetVictor, as he’s the only one I’ve ever seen play on there. I haven’t played a lot on BetVictor, but I’ve played a little bit there. I won first prize in one of the prize draws, but it turned out I was registered through CasinoDaddy.
    Of course, if I knew I would never have entered the draw. This is why I don’t register to draws that require me to have signed up through bandit links, cus through years of playing at tons of different casinos I can’t possibly remember which ones I signed up through bandit on.

    Fair play to Steve though, he emailed me within the first day that time and we sorted it out. I “lost out” on a €500 win, but that’s only fair when I’m not supposed to win it in the first place. Someone else who hopefully needed the money way more than I do got that prize.

    These prize draws where people have the chance to win €500 for playing for a tenner is part of the reason I think bandit deserves all the praise he can get. The amount of money he hands out to give back to his followers is absolutely not necessary in my opinion, but he does it to show appreciation.
    I remember a post from someone talking about how they used to be homeless and well down the gutter with drink (and possibly drugs), and this guy didn’t ask for anything for himself, he just asked if the bandit could possibly help the others he got to know while struggling himself. Keep in mind, he was doing better himself, but he was still in an absolutely shitty and horrible situation, but he wasn’t asking for handouts for himself. He asked bandit to help others that were still stuck at rock bottom.
    If I ever win the videoslots draw, I will arrange with Steve to have it given out to the guy who made that post. Or donated to a charity. I don’t have money coming outta my ass myself, but I can afford to gamble regularly, so it’s better if someone else gets it.

    Keep up the good work Steve. I just wanna see your videos, listen to your banter, support you in any way I can, and be a part of this community. You’re doing great Bandit!

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Dazzashaw46 wrote:

    Love your channel its the banter that cracks me up lol. I’ve tried to message you through twitter but realise you probably get hundreds of spam messages. Do you do all your online stuff at home? I messaged cos I’m starting a you tube page for my outbuilding work and thought I’d show you some clips incase you want a outbuilding office made. Ya never know it can’t harm me offering it may get me noticed lol

    <iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/c6k5Y7RkxTU?feature=oembed&#8221; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    That’s very nice. I’ve been considering doing that myself. Just curious, what did the total cost come to for the materials?

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