Arcade machine build

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  • #108202
    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    so as lockdown continues I remember that bandit had a Pac-Man machine .

    well I did one better and built me one with 2700 games .

    what do you reckon


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Smokingbeagle wrote:

    so as lockdown continues I remember that bandit had a Pac-Man machine .

    well I did one better and built me one with 2700 games .

    what do you reckon


    DAE0240C EFDC 485F AA11 0CF9C442113C

    Ha I’m scared ….. I clicked and the link and for a message saying I have been “ forbidden from going onto web site” ………

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    That’s pretty, what are you using as a software front end to manage all the games? Or are you just using MAME as a solely arcade box rather than a whole retro console thing?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Ohhh yeah, the picture loads now, that’s sweet mate, good job

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Yeah it’s mame build with Pandora box controller as it’s my First build .

    gonna do a raspberry pi full build next with 128gb of games something like 30,000 lol

    got a new build template that it splits in half so you can have it fully standing or desk top

    hopefully after I build one then sell on etc for a small second income .


    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Smokingbeagle wrote:

    Yeah it’s mame build with Pandora box controller as it’s my First build .

    gonna do a raspberry pi full build next with 128gb of games something like 30,000 lol

    got a new build template that it splits in half so you can have it fully standing or desk top

    hopefully after I build one then sell on etc for a small second income .


    I’m sure you can make a decent income making things like that, there’s lots of places doing different vinyl coverings to personalise them and different buttons/sticks. I would stick to midrange as standard but offer the top end arcade buttons at extra cost ?

    Smellslikearmpit WANTED $2

    I built a bartop with the Raspberry Pi, I have a Tron themed, 2 player bartop and a chrome and black single player bartop (The 2 player one has a mini PC in though, boots straight into Hyperspin). I also have a mini Nes box with a Raspberry Pi in, runs everything from Amiga/Sinclair, all consoles and Arcade (MAME and Neo-Geo), built it for a family member, turns on/off by the Nes power button and the reset button works on the box too, all-in-all the parts cost under £100 with/including a wireless joypad (Wii U joypad knockoff, I think) and HDMI cable (Bargin)…


    I have crap loads of emulators on my phone as well, goes good with the wireless, 8BitDo Zero 2 joypad (About £10, Ebay), I’ve emulators on my tablet, olde PSP.  I’ve helped with a Pinball version, arcade thing using Pinball FX (I think, on Steam, good games), I’m sure they had Starwars and Jaws pinball tables on (Pretty cool) and a TeknoParrot build.


    Just saying, if you need any advice or help with the build OP, just let me know mate.  Oh, microswitch LED buttons are cheap (1-4 pound, depending on source), so are the joysticks, the light up joysticks though, I’d stay away from those as the ones I’ve tried seem top heavy (So lighter to control), lightgun builds, I use an AimTrek lightgun for those, but they cost like £100 and there are probably better/cheaper options now (Long time since I built a lightgun one) and to light the Marquee I just use an led strip that changes colours (£5) and an led strip, 45 degree holder (Like £3).  The wood and the monitor are the only things that cost when doing the builds really (And good lightguns).  I don’t sell bartops BTW, was just really into emulators at one time and built a few things for friends/family (Also I like building things with the Raspberry Pi’s, they are cool AF).


    A good tip for the Pi’s though is, when you buy 1, buy a box for it too that has a fan built into it (£5-£10, the Nes box I have was £20, but a plain one without buttons/hat is much cheaper), and also, if a Pi 3, heatsinks (£2 the set of 3), also, make sure you buy the right power cord (The amps matter), then you’ll have no worries with the Pi, ever.  Another tip, if you’re running Retropie/Emulation Station, you can change Themes easily (The way it looks), there are lots of themes, but the best one I’ve found is called the “Bluray” Theme, it’s 2:33 into the video below, or just YouTube Retropie Themes, there are probably better/cooler ones now.



    On another note, the Bandit seems to have lost his mo-jo, so could he play for the fans instead, as in make a pot/target, people will donate and leave a user name, when the target is reached, the Bandit plays a bonus hunt with the cash and whatever he wins at the end, he’ll do a draw of the people who donated to that pot and give the cash to the winner?  That way he won’t be using his own cash, might be motivated to play slots as it’s for other people/his fans (He’d be happy if he won big for a fan I think), and it’ll be exciting for his fans that are involved or feel they want to get involved, meh, probably illegal or something, IDK, just miss the mans videos, that’s all…

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