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  • #95108
    markieb1985 WANTED $2

    hi guys firstly  hope your all safe and well


    i’m not usually one to call out fake streamers but there is one who’s videos i’ve seen on youtube seems to good to be true

    his name is ayezee.

    always does massive bonus hunts from 4/5k up to 54000 euros to regular and has to many massive win videos to literally every day.

    he may just be lucky but i reckon he;s another fake streamer.

    anyone seen his videos and what are your thoughts? he may have been discussed on here already but to me it all seems a bit to good to be true,


    stay safe guys

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Ayezee is a good lad, and hes real as far as I know. He has had some cracking wins over the time he’s been streaming, so it doesn’t suprise me he’s doing high stake hunts. Look at his lil devil win a few weeks ago ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Jesus… he doesnt stream on our sites but this guy….. people dont do bonus hunts of this size. Its literally not a thing. He would need to be worth about 22million for this to be legit.

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Like eejit says. No chance he is real.

    milan WANTED $6

    Fake lived with his mum streamed from his bedroom doing £1 spins in 1 year on doing £20 spins fake as fook


    Selbino87 WANTED $1

    Ayezee is the real deal he gets paid an absolute fortune to promote the casino and he also does YouTube with over 200k subs a streamer with an average of 10k viewers plus subs and he trades crypto which is how he got his start


    I have personally won money from him twice first $100 then $1000 and got paid both times I have no doubt in my mind he’s genuine

    beadie86 WANTED $27

    Selbino can you prove the money hit your bank ? Because to me hes on roshteins level

    Selbino87 WANTED $1

    It was a tip to my gamdom account but I can show you anything you like

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I don’t know who he is tbh but i don’t watch anyone any more

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    Selbino87 wrote:

    Ayezee is the real deal he gets paid an absolute fortune to promote the casino and he also does YouTube with over 200k subs a streamer with an average of 10k viewers plus subs and he trades crypto which is how he got his start


    I have personally won money from him twice first $100 then $1000 and got paid both times I have no doubt in my mind he’s genuine

    Strange way to judge his legitimacy. The amount he apparently gets paid, the bet sizes he plays at and the amount he loses vs ad/sub revenue doesn’t add up.

    As hes not that famous in the scheme of internet personalities.

    No doubt he is playing in ‘real money’ mode and not demo mode.But how could you justify losing $1million in 1 video for 200k views on youtube, it doesn’t make sense. Surely you would cash out half and get the close to the same amount of views anyway. Win/win.

    Unless your contract stipulates that you must wager the ‘real money’ X amount of times before cash out. Then its not real money is it.

    Or you are so rich that you don’t care about the losses. In which case why are you a youtuber with ads, plugging an affiliate code.Too many questions.

    Also a free $1k to most is a lot, but to someone playing with a $1 million+ balance its 0.1%. Its the equivalent to the bandit doing giveaways at £4 a pop. You’d call him a tight bastard if his prize was a 1x spin.


    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    He isn’t legit. The casino pay him money to play with. None of it is his money. He wins, not his money. There’s lengthy videos on the internet explaining how it works. All the people that think he is legit are morons.

    Selbino87 WANTED $1

    By your logic all streamers would be fake as they all get paid to promote the casino if you don’t understand how a job works your a moron he gets paid to promote a casino he chooses to gamble it if he loses it he lost his wage if he wins he keeps it

    Selbino87 WANTED $1

    And when he was affiliated to roll it he was getting paid 1.7m a month now he’s getting a hell of a lot more I have watched him grow his gambling with his wins and his loses I’ve seen him trade crypto and invest into things that have made him alot of money I’ve seen him hit big max wins and collect millions and withdraw said millions I’ve seen him send money to viewers from a crypto wallet with 17m in it trust me he’s as real as they come

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    Selbino87 wrote:

    By your logic all streamers would be fake as they all get paid to promote the casino if you don’t understand how a job works your a moron he gets paid to promote a casino he chooses to gamble it if he loses it he lost his wage if he wins he keeps it

    It depends how you are getting paid and the terms.

    If they pay him 1.7m and he can use it for whatever he wants its a wage.

    If they stipulate he must wager it X amount of times, its not.

    They could pay him 100m a week and everything would be the same, only the bets would be even bigger.


    Think about it logically. The casino already give him more money than hes technically worth (based on his potential reach to new customers) to them to gamble with. As big bet wins look bigger even though the X amount is the same. More ‘exciting’ content, boosting his profile, and therefore driving more views back to the casino. It doesn’t cost them anymore than if they paid him enough to only do $1 spins because of terms.


    Like i said in my earlier reply. If hes worth that much, and getting paid that much, why does he care about youtube ad revenue and affiliate codes. If the content you made was for fun and you were loaded. You’d make it more sustainably without being bound by contract.

    Either way we’ll never know the real truth, as there are no implications of misleading your audience, because there is no way to find out otherwise.

    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Go and have a look at the numerous Youtube videos out there that actually explain why he is fake. There was a really good deep dive investigation one but I can’t find it as I can’t remember who did it. The crypto wallet is not his, Showed how it worked. it’s the casino’s. The casino send the crypto to the wallet, he plays with the money they transferred, all the money win or lose goes back to the casino. Yeah, he will be paid for promoting. You think he actually pays you on the giveaways? The casino does. Bit of research might lift the blinkers but sometimes you people don’t want to know the truth.

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