Bandit’s last session

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    Dion WANTED $9

    I just got done watching Steve’s last 2 videos and wanted to say sorry to see such a loss. All the way through it felt like the game was rigged. If the game was true 50/50 on the gamble there would be no way to miss that many times on the ladder. It should be no different than to a flip of a coin each press but I had the feeling it know before you even pressed the gamble it already knew it was going to lose (pre-determined). I too have played that game for a long time and trust me I know it well since I have been playing that same game since it was first released many years ago. It was me who first brought to light the fact that if you have even a small win at the same time as getting the curtains it will NOT let you get the top prize when on the gamble ladder.


    Two other games by the same provider are Party Time Slotto and Little Devils, these too were just as popular at the time of their release and will play out in the same fasion. I know they have re-designed the layout but not too sure about the actual game play but most certainly the % has been changed (probably lowered greatly).


    To see the game take that much without a single payout is pretty shocking but not surprising since it can payout a jackpot 4 – 5 times in a row only to take it all back right after along with many more hefty deposits. I hope you find a way to win a good majority of it back or even a decent profit. By the way, Reel King tends to offer a full screen of mixed jps and wilds more when you gamble nothing and collect everything including the little wins but during each session the gamble must ‘never’ be pressed at all. I have seen 2 jackpot full screens back to back on several occassions playing that way.

    Good luck for any future gambles Steve and everyone else. have a good one!

    Ezekiel2517 WANTED $15

    So glad to hear Reel king has gone,  if you’d taken that out the video it would have been so much better, I obviously do acknowledge its facilitated countless other streams,  but its days are done. Be nice to watch the videos from now on knowing the loss potential isnt monumental.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Ezekiel2517 wrote:

    So glad to hear Reel king has gone,  if you’d taken that out the video it would have been so much better, I obviously do acknowledge its facilitated countless other streams,  but its days are done. Be nice to watch the videos from now on knowing the loss potential isnt monumental.

    With also big potential still possible. Doa2 jammin jars and such like can still pay crazy off smaller stakes. I was surprised no jammin jars on the vid.

    andydis WANTED $3

    Sorry bandit for the loss but it was a good watch,


    did anyone else think of Palpatine when he kept saying “do it” on very tease?



    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    andydis wrote:

    Sorry bandit for the loss but it was a good watch,


    did anyone else think of Palpatine when he kept saying “do it” on very tease?



    pahahahahahahahha i nearly pee’d when i watched that wahahahahahahahah

    brizman WANTED $46

    Wow, watched the latest video. Brutal to say the least. Do people accept that the slot is rigged now? I went a year trying to hit the top, and couldn’t. Do people now believe slots can be manipulated to pay what they want or has bandit just been the unluckiest guy ever? Tinfoil hat anyone? ?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    brizman wrote:

    Wow, watched the latest video. Brutal to say the least. Do people accept that the slot is rigged now? I went a year trying to hit the top, and couldn’t. Do people now believe slots can be manipulated to pay what they want or has bandit just been the unluckiest guy ever? Tinfoil hat anyone? ?

    They are just games mate like any game i play when someone finds a method for say getting huge amounts of kills in a FPS game then the company changes the game slightly to balance the game out i’m assuming something like this has taken place and they have moved some of the RTP from the gamble to the base game so it doesn’t hit the top as easy etc. Its all just conjecture same as anyone’s guess really lol 🙂

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    It wouldn’t surprise me if they saw bandit winning.. and changed the RTP as seedy describes.. put more in the base game, and take it from the gamble.. not difficult to do.



    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Guys, let me be real clear on this so there is no mistake. The gamble has absolutely zero impact on the RTP – they are completely independent facets.

    Unless something has changed (and I’m not even sure if this would be legal to do so), the gamble is a true gamble – 50/50.

    Steve lost a lot of money, but he was also playing on £40/spin. Not hitting a top in that session in no way whatsoever indicates that the slot or gamble is ‘rigged’. Simple maths would tell you that outcome is actually pretty likely.

    Also, just throwing it out there from my own experiences on the game. I’d been unable to hit the top at all on this game over numerous sessions until they redesigned it. I’ve hit the top twice now over three or four sessions on the game. Could I make the same argument then that the gamble is actually better than 50/50 now?! No, of course not. It’s the same. It just worked out for me these times, and it didn’t before. That’s it.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    So it’s your fault ?


    that game has 100% been changed, no doubt about it and im glad it wont be on anymore


    Biohazard, many slots have changed over the last year or so

    A lot of Playtech now have reduced RTP at various sites, so its perfectly legal and does happen

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    BRUN wrote:

    Biohazard, many slots have changed over the last year or so

    A lot of Playtech now have reduced RTP at various sites, so its perfectly legal and does happen

    I never once said slots can’t change, of course they can. My point was, the gamble isn’t tied to the RTP. What they could have changed is the paytable, hit frequency etc. but the gamble wouldn’t have been touched as it is a separate entity.

    A gamble at reduced RTP doesn’t really make sense… The actual source of the win is already derived from a <100% RTP system, so you’d basically be trimming an already trimmed result.

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