Bandit… a question

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  • #111776
    respect the real one WANTED $3

    I have posted two threads, both instantly trolled by xbob immediately and without reason, trying to make them both personal.

    On the first thread, I tried to reply politely telling him it was noted and Moderator didn’t allow my comment.
    On the second my reply again politely letting xbob know was auto allowed and that made xbob throw insults. Someone else spoke of what xbob is doing and then moderator locked the thread.

    Why is xbob allowed to do that and why is moderator in support of it but not freedom of speech ? Neither of my posts were bad. Just honest. But I always thought you were a genuinely good guy. I hope these mods and trolls aint gonna prove me wrong. 🙁

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    None of my posts were bad, only honest.

    This Xbob baiting has to stop, I’ve done nothing wrong and people seem intent on trying to force me away from here.

    I don’t agree with your posts because they are moronic, your first one was trying to get people to angry shout with you in a casino grounds hating circlejerk and I pointed out that you’re wrong. The second one wanted people to be angry at clickbait and using the term jackpot and I pointed out that you’re behaving like it’s your first day on the internet.

    And then there’s this one, at no point did I try and make the posts “personal” but now I am, I think you’re a trolling cunt, a former member that’s flounced or been banned and come back because you simply can’t keep away from a dead forum that you hoped you could use it as your soapbox for your utter crackpot thoughts and you got called out.

    Take your little troll friends that always pop up as well and go fuck up another forum.

    As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now because I don’t care about you or your stinking opinions, I won’t even look at this thread again so go knock yourself out with whatever you want to say about me on here


    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Also, automoderated messages are usually that you’re not logged in or the site thinks you’re not logged in like a time out or something like that. If it keeps happening it’s worth clipboard copying posts and trying it again after relogging in. It won’t be anything personal from the mods, it’s just a strange forum bug that happens.

    Yes this means I did look at the post again because I thought of this 😂

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Bandit was never going to survive getting into bed with Chip.

    ……..and just like that, it all made sense

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    respect the real one wrote:

    Bandit was never going to survive getting into bed with Chip.

    ……..and just like that, it all made sense

    Explain that one…

    Jimbo19911 WANTED $10

    Xbob strikes again 😂 guy needs get a life sad bastard constantly commenting on every post anyone puts with your sarcastic shit. It’s boring now can guarantee 100 percent you wouldn’t be like this to people’s faces


    The devil WANTED $76

    I’ve been on here a long long time so I’m certainly no troll or just come to cause shit, but yes I’ve called Xbob out on this he’s got his opinion just like I have which is fair dos no issues with that, what I get annoyed at is in one of your paragraphs you said a post was a big hate circle for casino grounds etc and he was wrong and it’s a moronic opinion let’s say however you saying he’s wrong could also be classed as a moronic comment it’s an opinion you think there legit, great and people don’t so because you think there legit it’s moronic if others don’t? I for one think casino grounds and there content is some of the fakest shit ive ever seen on the internet wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them, in fact one streamers admitted to using a test account and got kicked off casino grounds so there ya go but like I’ve said the fact is simple that’s my opinion that doesn’t make it’s moronic so like I’ve said before I wouldn’t mind Xbob but when it’s something he doesn’t agree with it’s moronic or people are idiots etc, that’s what you call opinion unless you have stone hard facts about casino grounds and their members you know about as much as anyone saying otherwise simple as that really! And like I’ve also said before doesn’t matter who it is some of the things you say people would be banned for, calling people cunts etc last time I checked seedy clearly announced the rules but you seem to tread all over them without consequence, and whether you like it or not that’s just a full honest assessment I’m not trying to get you banned I couldn’t give a monkeys tbh but the way you go about things and the attitude of if it’s okay to you people that think otherwise are cunts, moronic, idiots whatever else you’ve said in the past no wonder people think your a twat

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    This Xbob baiting has to stop

    Stop throwing yourself in the trap with your bad minded trolling of the forum mr non-thread creator.

    As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now because I don’t care about you or your stinking opinions

    That’s why you tried to make the two threads I posted, instantly personal. You know, an old man falls over in the street, if you didn’t care, you don’t do anything to help. If you really don’t care, you kick him while he is down. I’m not sure the forum needs you being an obvious elaborate hypocrite.

    Take your little troll friends that always pop up as well and go fuck up another forum.

    1. Please show evidence that I personally know anyone here.
    2. So posting content thoughts and opinions that isn’t pointed at you, bandit or anyone not considered directly or indirectly attached to backinamo is fucking up the forum. explain how.
    3. For this point, let’s assume that my “little troll friends” and I are “fucking up the forum”, you think another forum (anywhere as you didn’t seem to care which) should be fucked up by us instead. Very caring of you xbob.

    I think you’re a trolling cunt

    Yet it is your entire interaction, that has got this whole thing going. If you weren’t what you seem to dislike (a trolling cunt) then this wouldn’t be here you deluded failure.

    Mark Hayes, thanks for taking part.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    respect the real one wrote:

    This Xbob baiting has to stop

    Stop throwing yourself in the trap with your bad minded trolling of the forum mr non-thread creator.

    As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now because I don’t care about you or your stinking opinions

    That’s why you tried to make the two threads I posted, instantly personal. You know, an old man falls over in the street, if you didn’t care, you don’t do anything to help. If you really don’t care, you kick him while he is down. I’m not sure the forum needs you being an obvious elaborate hypocrite.

    Take your little troll friends that always pop up as well and go fuck up another forum.

    1. Please show evidence that I personally know anyone here. 2. So posting content thoughts and opinions that isn’t pointed at you, bandit or anyone not considered directly or indirectly attached to backinamo is fucking up the forum. explain how.
    3. For this point, let’s assume that my “little troll friends” and I are “fucking up the forum”, you think another forum (anywhere as you didn’t seem to care which) should be fucked up by us instead. Very caring of you xbob.

    I think you’re a trolling cunt

    Yet it is your entire interaction, that has got this whole thing going. If you weren’t what you seem to dislike (a trolling cunt) then this wouldn’t be here you deluded failure.

    Mark Hayes, thanks for taking part.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Seedy wrote:

    Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍

    Fine, I’ve deleted my end, but what I responded too was morally not on… anyway hope your boiled eggs are hard 😂😂😂

    Ate77 WANTED $4

    Steve, any new bids on the way? I’ve been watching 2,3 and 4 year old bids to get my bandit fix 😉

    Jk90 WANTED $25

    Arent u all grown men?😂 ffs going on like a bunch of school kids

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Seedy wrote:

    Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍

    You locked one of my threads and gave no reason why, whilst the only bad interaction on it, was from xbob, as pointed out.

    The only person trying to ruin things is xbob. So I can only ascertain the “all of you” part is only directed to xbob.

    I love being a calm person.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    respect the real one wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍

    You locked one of my threads and gave no reason why, whilst the only bad interaction on it, was from xbob, as pointed out.

    The only person trying to ruin things is xbob. So I can only ascertain the “all of you” part is only directed to xbob.

    I love being a calm person.


    I can lock any thread I want if it goes out of control or off topic. And no “all of you” is aimed at all who participate in playground stupidity.


    Let’s try have a decent conversation folk’s and have a good weekend.

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