bandit on screen

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  • #26747
    Chardanjen83 WANTED $6

    have you been looking into you doing them vids with you onscreen and the big screen in the background or have you scrapped that idea? i did enjoy that short vid you did do of one

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I set about correcting all the things that people didn’t like but then a few other streamers launched their own very similar looking thing and the idea kind of lost its traction with me to be totally honest. I will find a way to be different i think and have another bash, wouldn’t want to be accused of copying anyone lol

    Chardanjen83 WANTED $6

    well what ever crazy way youll try ill watch it but you need to play more wish upon a jackpot so funny when the fairy pops in and buggers off lol your reaction is priceless

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