Bandit stealing from beggars?

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    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Just checked the bandits youtube channel out on my tv and only two videos showing when I click on them they say this video contains content from beggars???? Has this already been mentioned?

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    He’s been rumbled.. Truth is this site is a trap and once you beg on it.. BOOM.. Bandit rinses you


    I’ve heard one guy even had his golden teeth taken.. ?


    Nah, its gotta be an error in translation or something lol

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Unless the people who keep trying to bring his channel down are trying to be ironic just checked again and there gone? They where videos from a year ago

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I think he took a lot down to avoid further strikes on old videos,


    surely every YouTuber with a patreon or a PayPal link should fall under beggars before a bloke who offers a chance at a cash prize for a sign up, it’s gotta be an error

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    He made them all private at one point didn’t he. Theres still some videos available to watch on here though.. I think..

    Yeah, patreon, justgiving and crowd funding links would all come under that in my opinion.. unless they see it as something else.

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Yeah the trolls need to get a life and just be happy that’s how I judge wealth

    Juppy WANTED $1

    It’s all strange to me.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito
    James1888 WANTED $16

    The Cult Lil’ Devil. Owned by Beggars Banquet. The record label ??

    luugius WANTED $2

    The slot soundtracks should not be claimable for copyright things. Youtube is fucked up nowadays

    shep WANTED $1

    Happening to all sorts though. I watch some automotive YouTubers and they get this too, anyone can claim copyright on any music on YouTube and they tend to uphold it.

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