Bandit streaming on Twitch?

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  • #17663
    Smallarms WANTED $6

    Will you be streaming and hosting your vids on twitch?

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    He would be mint on twitch dunno why he don’t do it tho must be camera shy lol ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Nah i’m not a streamer so i won’t be streaming on Twitch.

    It is quite funny how often the “ah must be camera shy” gets thrown about, all it is is i don’t stream, simple as that really. The set up is quite a complicated one for a first timer too and you know me, i’m far too lazy to sort that kind of mission out, i think many people think it’s as simple as pressing a button on your camera lol

    Anonymous WANTED $55

    Don’t blame you.  I think most streamers must be a touch narcissist.

    i certainly would not want the world looking at me!

    Mr B WANTED $395

    I have logged in with the simple question of when you will be able to interact with us live “?”

    To be a pain in the backside I’ll point out that setting up live stream on twatch isn’t difficult. Get an account, install one of the streaming tools (free) and the setup is tutorialised steps. Give it your twatch key and then select the source you want to show ie which window or portion of your desktop etc.

    You of course don’t have to get a cam/greenscreen/naked pose(please don’t lmao) but since you have a mic lol

    Fact is, we’d love to interact live. You’ll need mods and I’d be happy to help. You also don’t have to commit to a time/day cause anyone who has twatch and puts you on follow, will get an email when you go live.

    But if you really don’t wanna, totally up to you. Just that as I say, we’d love to interact with you while you play.

    Just watched your latest vid, not a bad result ! Hope the hol was good, I can imagine how much you were itching to slot.

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