Bandit where art thou.

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  • #111566
    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Haven’t been on here in a little while, how’s everyone doing?

    Sorry if this has been asked recently, where is bandit? Haven’t seen him active on twitter (unless I missed it) and obviously haven’t seen a video in a while. Is he doing ok?

    thegamblerisback WANTED $1

    I came in here for the same question? Hope and pray all is well.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    Haven’t been on here in a little while, how’s everyone doing?

    Sorry if this has been asked recently, where is bandit? Haven’t seen him active on twitter (unless I missed it) and obviously haven’t seen a video in a while. Is he doing ok?

    He’s fine been having a break because he has other things making him busy atm then its been Xmas etc nice to see you again Dynamik.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Seedy wrote:

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    Haven’t been on here in a little while, how’s everyone doing?

    Sorry if this has been asked recently, where is bandit? Haven’t seen him active on twitter (unless I missed it) and obviously haven’t seen a video in a while. Is he doing ok?

    He’s fine been having a break because he has other things making him busy atm then its been Xmas etc nice to see you again Dynamik.

    Cmon seedy, we know you’ve done something…. Wrexham types are always up to “ mischief “…. Cmon ya twat let him out ……nobody is going to pay your ransom demand of a Jammie dodger and two wagon wheels ….I mean bandits good but not 2 wagon wheel good …

    The devil WANTED $76

    I think all the restrictions in the UK have took their hold on bandit tbh, not saying he’s give up I think there will be a video here and there, but with regards to content on a weekly or fortnightly basis unless he fancies a venture abroad think that’s behind him now, I must admit the UK restrictions have put me off online slots a lot more than since they’ve been introduced my absolute favourite were extra chilli buys but I never play it now have a few times but not the same, slots in the UK are pretty much dying for me now like a session every now and then but sports betting appeals to me a lot more now, I chilled out with sport betting because I just wanted to play slots but definitely not now, bonus hunt every couple of weeks and that’s it now.

    Didnt think the auto spins would affect me all that much but even that has spoilt my fun

    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    Losing quick spins was the start……now it is just wank.

    Sad thing is, I can still do my norks in in record time, so the Nanny State Bollocks restrictions won’t actually stop anyone.

    Sad times.

    The devil WANTED $76

    I agree what I don’t get is you put all these restrictions in but absolutely no restrictions to BJ Roulette etc if it’s gonna be done then surely you do it across the board but because that would end BJ and roulette they don’t do it, clearly online gambling only affects slots players hahahaha, the only one I can kinda understand is the bonus buys but to me that’s the same as a BJ hand, a spin on the wheel so I’ve lost all hope now, any other restrictions that come into effect will pretty much end my online experience not sure if anything can come into place but they’ll find something I’m sure, not a big stake player so stakes wouldn’t effect my play the highest I’ve ever went is a quid

    Jazzee WANTED $14

    They want you all getting ripped at land casinos

    SlotsCrack WANTED $62

    Are you guys sure he’s alive and kicking? These days or times with covid it could hit one and another. You never know.


    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    SlotsCrack wrote:

    Are you guys sure he’s alive and kicking? These days or times with covid it could hit one and another. You never know.


    @seedy knows the score


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    SlotsCrack wrote:

    Are you guys sure he’s alive and kicking? These days or times with covid it could hit one and another. You never know.


    He is alive and well otherwise i have the ability to speak to the far beyond! 😀

    In regards to taking away quick spins that’s just a silly move you will still lose at the same pace as before regardless. Removing bonus buy at least I can understand this. In regards to not restricting table games this is a good point it seems like they have only targeted slots for some reason.

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Here hoping a comeback epic video . Where not only do we get several REELKING tops but also a terminator hot mode , a dead or alive wild line and danger high voltage going off it’s tits.

    or is it just taking so long to make a video now that quick spins have been removed .🤔🤔🤔

    SlotsCrack WANTED $62

    I read reports of quickspins returned now. At least for the UK players. Some games, or simply a configuration issue. Not sure.


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    SlotsCrack wrote:

    I read reports of quickspins returned now. At least for the UK players. Some games, or simply a configuration issue. Not sure.


    Shit is that true? God imagine the return of quick spins…. Tho I’d take auto spins over speed anyday  ..

    Snobskill WANTED $1

    We need bandit back I need my video fix 😵👹👺 come back bandit

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