Bandit where art thou.

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  • #111667
    Snobskill WANTED $1

    We need bandit back I need my video fix 😵👹👺 come back bandit

    By the way auto spins on

    On games

    row luckytap

    There are about 15 games there with auto spins


    Snobskill WANTED $1

    We need bandit back I need my video fix 😵👹👺 come back bandit


    By the way auto spins on

    On games

    row luckytap

    There are about 15 games there with auto spins

    Drummer WANTED $0

    It Will be nice to hear some news from him!!!   

    Shinraninja WANTED $1

    last i heard he made a cameo on someones stream or something but i think hes getting cut off from casinos due to the stakes and restrictions

    i dont think the loss of auto spins is amassive loss as most others are coping and still producing content with autoclickers

    i believe the bandits issue is the source of wealth etc he no doubtly gets asked for everywhere due to the amount he puts through em

    Andy232 WANTED $2

    I keep checking his YouTube channel to see if there have been any recent video’s posted, but the last one was in September last year, on that horrible day he went down £70K, I’m hoping that wasn’t to be the be all and end all? I’d be happy if he made just a series of shorter videos, maybe 30 minute instead of a full hour or more, work his way back in slowly?

    Come back Bandit!

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Shinraninja wrote:

    last i heard he made a cameo on someones stream


    and he sounded so depressed

    Mightyquinn180 WANTED $3

    Come on bandit, where are you? We need to hear the famous sayings like:

    Don’t hurt yourself


    It’s broke

    Punch myself in the face

    Suppose it’s better than a kick in the dick


    Joanneg1980 WANTED $1

    someone posted on your youtube community that you had died? glad its not true and hope your doing ok steve!

    Fruit machine nut. WANTED $2

    Missing your ready wit buddy, hurry up and come back, even if it means playing on very low stakes like us mere mortals.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Mightyquinn180 wrote:

    Come on bandit, where are you? We need to hear the famous sayings like:

    Don’t hurt yourself


    It’s broke

    Punch myself in the face

    Suppose it’s better than a kick in the dick


    The amount of kicks to the dick over the years must be loads haha

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Mightyquinn180 wrote:

    Come on bandit, where are you? We need to hear the famous sayings like:

    Don’t hurt yourself


    It’s broke

    Punch myself in the face

    Suppose it’s better than a kick in the dick


    The amount of kicks to the dick over the years must be loads haha


    Good to see you malky, hope you’re well. Some say it’s all those kicks to the dick that mean Bandit uses the golden wheel barrow to wheel his bollocks about 😂

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)