Bandit’s disappearance???

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  • #87858
    Geordiemark42 WANTED $68

    Steve I’m getting fucking sick of this shit. Like I said before I don’t give a shit if you made a million pound a month. You don’t pester us to play the slots. We can put just £10 on a month to qualify for a draw. Sometimes i cant deposit and i miss out. But the draws just give you a chance of winning a bit cash. And let me tell you. The feeling i got when you read my name out for the £500 was unreal. I miss your vids but the way these knobheads are going on, i dont blame you if you piss off and just play slots in your own time privately. There is that many scammers out there but ppl want to keep having a pop at a genuine one. Imagine if everytime they bought shopping they had to explain there work life etc. Fuming at these arse holes. If your not happy with this set up and a chance of a bit free cash, fuck off.

    Geordiemark42 WANTED $68

    PS, I had a holiday picked out for that 3k prize and the arse holes trying to con the system spoiled it. Now it will be worgate again. And if your not a geordie worgate means as far as your garden gate lol.

    Lanny WANTED $19

    One big let down

    Anonymous WANTED $19

    To be fair who cares there is never videos like there was used to be Wednesday, Sunday loved it now ya lucky if there is 2 a month . Always something bad back football match kids party been banned from u tube again finger hurts cant click the mouse , its ovbs he makes money from doing the videos and it’s in the thousands everyone knows it , but to be honest its got fuck all to do with anyone until we start paying for this service

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    if u like to watch his videos and support him way not sign up on his link?I lose nothing and I be happy to support him by sign up,for sure it want make big difference to him

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    duc-blackjack wrote:

    Slev82 wrote:

    Think your head is in the Blue somewhere if u honestly Think he earns that much from other players losing.

    You realize most casinos offer up to 40% commission on LIFETIME deposits, right?

    If one person loses 10k in a month, which happens a lot when you have 5,000 affiliates, others will need 4k in profit to break-even, of course most players lose so he can easily make up to £50,000 or even more in a good month, alternatively it could be only £5,000 in a bad one.

    So you think 40% rev share is actually 40%? Not quite. Well not even close.

    Say his players lose 100k. Thats a fucking LOT for an affilaite. Let me break it down for you.

    40% Rev share = 40k.

    -25% Admin fees = 30k.

    -10% payment fees = 26k.

    -25% reasonable expectations of casino detagging = 16k.

    – another 10% for jackpot wins, rollover, etc = 12k.


    So the 100k loss for players may earn him 12k. Today he lost… Almost that much.

    (the above is assuming there is no huge player wins, and all players hit the threshold for accountability)

    But hey , dont trust me – someone who is head of a white label casino company, with 24 casinos offering rev share deals between 25% and 55% depending on the affiliate. P.S – the good affiliates take hybrid (50-100 CPA and 25% rev, now they make a fortune, but they provide over 100k in deposits a month).

    PPS – Steve has a video on youtube of his actual affiliate logins and what he has made in a month. I believe this was in his 4 videos a week stage. I think it was 13k for the month. Correct me if im wrong.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I take it the big affiliates are streamers like casino daddy, or are they the sites with a million links on?

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Anything to read here… ?

    Nope.. heading over to the Daily Mail for similar bollox.




    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Winningbird wrote:

    I take it the big affiliates are streamers like casino daddy, or are they the sites with a million links on?

    bigger. ClassyBeef, Catena Media, Rosh, those sizes.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    You dont understand how much this confuses me. I’ll not get into it ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Winningbird wrote:

    You dont understand how much this confuses me. I’ll not get into it ?

    Ha. Just skype me about it. Or… i dunno whisper it.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Send me a whisper, I cant find you on twitch ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Alldayerday wrote:

    the guys got 1000s of players probably 100s on rev share and anywhere from 20-250 who lose 4 figures a month. do the math he doesn’t

    “need to” do dick anymore unless he wants a nice cash influx, in the meanwhile hes doing what any of us would do , take care of the family , focusing on other business ventures , etc etc…

    not “taking the piss” I fucking admire hustlers , got a couple of my own but this is a beautiful one , don’t know what kind of man he is behind the videos but hes landed himself a fucking keeper with this site. marketing genius .

    Hugely wrong, sick of explaining myself. Fucking banned.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Messheaduk wrote:

    To be fair who cares there is never videos like there was used to be Wednesday, Sunday loved it now ya lucky if there is 2 a month . Always something bad back football match kids party been banned from u tube again finger hurts cant click the mouse , its ovbs he makes money from doing the videos and it’s in the thousands everyone knows it , but to be honest its got fuck all to do with anyone until we start paying for this service

    Yet another nob head that refuses to learn the fucking truth, goodbye.

    snake_city WANTED $19

    Haha what a muppet. Is he really upset that the bandit had a kids birthday party to go to. Lol I will say it first I’m a fucking dumbass but I got to be better then some of these tossers

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