Bandit’s Honesty in Sunday vid

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  • #25541
    magnaman WANTED $1

    Hi Bandit. I just watched the video of the 25th Nov and felt moved to write you a little note. I have been watching your vids for some time with my partner and you have always been her favourite.

    We just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your honesty in your vids and are both really happy for you and your family that you have done something positive with your recent winnings. That is the biggest lesson that I take from you – cashout and do something with the winnings as the casino will probably have most of it back sometime.

    Thanks for your uploads and all the best in the future.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Thanks mate, appreciate that.

    Thanks for tuning in with your mrs and watching and i’m glad you enjoy the vids 😀


    SeiZui WANTED $9

    I been watching few streams like fruity slots etc.. after your video about the loss and I just want to tell you that every single one of them was buzzing about you – in a very respectful kind of admiring way ~ not like u would suspect.

    Not omitting the fact everyone of them admitted on stream not having the balls to even try doing what you doing with Reel King. It was really nice to watch that considering the fact im a big fan of you too 🙂

    Nice one !



    Royalblue57 WANTED $3

    Hi Bandit. Like many others I enjoy your videos and think you always come across as very honest and open in them. It is one thing to to upload  when you win but it’s takes real balls to do it when you have taken a hammering mate, so fair play to you. I don’t do social media so don’t see the stick you get from some quarters there but can well imagine what it can be like. I entirely get your consistent message that what you do is your individual choice and not for others to follow or copy. I think uploading videos showing just how easy it is to lose sheds loads of cash and not just win it reflects the reality of gambling. There are loads of videos on line showing big wins only and not the loses that more often than not go with them. In fact I think I have only come across you uploading videos in which the outcome is big losses rather than profit which reflects my experience of gambling a fair amount of time. While it may not entertain in the same way that winning videos do,  it certainly informs and brings reality to bare on what can and does happen when you gamble. Keep uploading mate and good luck in the future.



    is Danger becoming your new Reel  King?

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