24th February 2020 at 9:58 pm #91647
Just finished watching yesterday’s session, disappointed to hear the words ‘bored/boring’ towards the end, and some doubt over whether there will be future live streams.
I can see why. Previously there was desire to know more about the man behind the voice that brought honest humour and interesting content to the bonus collection videos. In a live stream, it’s open to everyman and his dog to ask bizarre questions, repetitive questions, unkind comments etc whilst the reality of online slots offers one interesting spin/bonus every 50-100 spins. The format has shifted from premium content to everyday content, with the bandit being expected to perform on demand. Not sure it works personally, although it was fun for a few weeks.
I don’t have all the answers, but just some suggestions if there are to be more twich sessions:
FAQ section
Trolls banned
Repeat Qs not responded to (did you watch the boxing must have come up 10 times seriously, and the same again trying to be funny)
Am sure there are others – feel free to suggest moreIf Steve does want to continue with live-interaction/save time putting together YT vids etc, perhaps a solution is to prepare a few bonuses in advance and keep the twitch session to a much shorter length, say an hour, approx 30 mins bonuses, 30 mins realtime spins on a few games? That way pub-time happens earlier, and we get the content/interaction we find entertaining? Just a suggestion.
Cheers all
25th February 2020 at 10:19 am #91670But whats the point in that? As bandit said thats just the same as making a video? I for one dont care how long bandit streams or on what stake i just enjoy watching, i think he does a lot to try please everyone constant game requests etc, just play what u want whatever stake u like however long u want, we will still be there watching because its bandit that we came to watch coz hes just a funny fucker. As for the constant repeted questions its going to happen no matter what because people miss what someones already asked, if you just ignored the questions already asked and maybe a mod in the chat could kindly let the person know its already been asked and what the answer is, just a thought,
25th February 2020 at 10:38 am #91671The phrase “ damned if you do, damned if you don’t “ pops into mind
25th February 2020 at 11:52 am #91676if you just ignored the questions already asked and maybe a mod in the chat could kindly let the person know its already been asked and what the answer is, just a thought,Most people asking don’t want an answer from a mod. They want an answer from Bandit, and will ignore what the Mod says. The same happens on the forum.
25th February 2020 at 11:55 am #91677if you just ignored the questions already asked and maybe a mod in the chat could kindly let the person know its already been asked and what the answer is, just a thought,Most people asking don’t want an answer from a mod. They want an answer from Bandit, and will ignore what the Mod says. The same happens on the forum.
Had that on rollas stream last night. I’m not a mod obviously but someone asked something so i answered. No cheers thanks or fuck all.
25th February 2020 at 12:30 pm #91681Everyone wants to see Dave though maybe they accept my answer O_O pahahaha morning folks btw.
25th February 2020 at 12:35 pm #91675The point in preparing a few bonuses is that
1) He doesn’t then spend time putting together a video of highlights, it becomes a real-time delivery of bonuses
2) The effort of that doesn’t get wasted by going on YT then getting the video removed
3) Who doesn’t like to see a few bonuses in addition to the base play spins/winsYeah I get the point about repeat Qs, if you’re late to the stream etc, perhaps a notifcation from a mod that the Q has been asked/answered would solve that, and yes I got the impression bandit was trying to respond to everything/everyone rather than pick and choose a few responses, as he said, he can’t watch the slot screen as well as the chat because it’s too quick.
@seyahkram please don’t get the impression I’m complaining in any way, just trying to suggest ways of getting around what bandit himself called ‘boring’.
25th February 2020 at 12:44 pm #91683Everyone wants to see Dave though maybe they accept my answer O_O pahahaha morning folks btw.
Morning he says ? it’s gone half 12. You just got up mate ? Anyway I’m still mardy with you cos you didn’t meet for a pint when i was in Wrexham 2 weeks ago?. Did post about it.
25th February 2020 at 12:52 pm #91684Everyone wants to see Dave though maybe they accept my answer O_O pahahaha morning folks btw.
Morning he says ? it’s gone half 12. You just got up mate ? Anyway I’m still mardy with you cos you didn’t meet for a pint when i was in Wrexham 2 weeks ago?. Did post about it.
When was this!!!!!
I honestly didn’t see mate :_( you need a twitter and should pm me lol I would have got that we were away last week due to half term so I basically just was monitoring the backend for replies etc for new posters :/
25th February 2020 at 1:00 pm #91685Everyone wants to see Dave though maybe they accept my answer O_O pahahaha morning folks btw.
Morning he says
it’s gone half 12. You just got up mate ? Anyway I’m still mardy with you cos you didn’t meet for a pint when i was in Wrexham 2 weeks ago
. Did post about it.
When was this!!!!!
I honestly didn’t see mate :_( you need a twitter and should pm me lol I would have got that we were away last week due to half term so I basically just was monitoring the backend for replies etc for new posters :/
Day after my birthday mate 12th feb. Tbh i didn’t know if i had time until about 3.30pm. Was in pub when it opened at 4pm. Had a few coors lights cos they didn’t have carling ?. Met the locals ( some characters in there ) got growled at by the land lady’s little dog stayed a couple of hours and left. I put a pic up on the forum when i was in the pub lol.
25th February 2020 at 1:10 pm #91686Everyone wants to see Dave though maybe they accept my answer O_O pahahaha morning folks btw.
Morning he says
it’s gone half 12. You just got up mate ? Anyway I’m still mardy with you cos you didn’t meet for a pint when i was in Wrexham 2 weeks ago
. Did post about it.
When was this!!!!!
I honestly didn’t see mate :_( you need a twitter and should pm me lol I would have got that we were away last week due to half term so I basically just was monitoring the backend for replies etc for new posters :/
Day after my birthday mate 12th feb. Tbh i didn’t know if i had time until about 3.30pm. Was in pub when it opened at 4pm. Had a few coors lights cos they didn’t have carling ?. Met the locals ( some characters in there ) got growled at by the land lady’s little dog stayed a couple of hours and left. I put a pic up on the forum when i was in the pub lol.
We must have missed you as we definitely went that night around 7 :_( dammit lol get twitter lol then let us know next time you are around we are normally poping into there
25th February 2020 at 1:13 pm #91687Never mind mate. I will let you know next time. Ask her if she remembers me cos she kept telling me off for using my e cig lol.
25th February 2020 at 1:33 pm #91689Never mind mate. I will let you know next time. Ask her if she remembers me cos she kept telling me off for using my e cig lol.
Hahahahah I will do mate 🙂
25th February 2020 at 1:46 pm #91690Would anyone be surprised if we hardly saw from him again. The loses are unsustainable and the appetite doesn’t seem there. IMHO
25th February 2020 at 2:33 pm #91693Would anyone be surprised if we hardly saw from him again. The loses are unsustainable and the appetite doesn’t seem there. IMHO
As long as he stays away from Reel King and the gamble ladder, the losses aren’t much if any more than he normally risks making a highlights video. If that isn’t sustainable, he’s staking too high.