Bang Bang Bang, Have a bit of that…

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  • #44202
    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    I cant compete with the Bandit but i gave it a go 🙂

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I had a bash on 20p earlier but I didn’t have the bollocks to go all the way lol I tried a method of collecting if it’s 50% or higher than my balance and it worked quite well a tenner lasted for about 45mins

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    I had a little look at the 76 quid and thought that was more than i deposited, should i collect, then said balls i might only get one chance, so i hit it 🙂

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Booooooooooosh! Nice one mate!

    I’ve always pussied out one before the top so I don’t have this achievement to share :p

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Cheers..  One day you’ll get there, i just count how many gambles to the top, turn away and bang 🙂

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Gwaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn boooooooooosssssshhhhhhhh! nice top mate I had a bash again today didn’t manage to hit it lol. Remember to only play with a sensible stake in portion to your deposit I’m a fellow 20p gambler myself as always I have a bit of a punt for some fun 🙂

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Oops, i did it again……..

    Whoops, 14 mins later

    Then donked on £128, so i’ll take a break for today….    Yeah i was on 20p but after a bit it went upto 40p and thats as far as i go……. for now 😉


    Well done mate take them for what you can but be careful a couple more like that and you will get acussed of having people in the casino site changing rtp for you to promote them pmsl

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Welcome to the Reel King toppers club 😀

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    You mentioned working in Shotton Green? I used to go shotton all the time playing fruits lol 😀

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    WiggyOfStHelens wrote:

    Oops, i did it again……..

    Whoops, 14 mins later

    Then donked on £128, so i’ll take a break for today….    Yeah i was on 20p but after a bit it went upto 40p and thats as far as i go……. for now ?

    Hang on…. who is this impostor stealin me tops lmao 😀 Awesome mate, just don’t get carried away!

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    The Bandit wrote:

    You mentioned working in Shotton Green? I used to go shotton all the time playing fruits lol ?

    Haha no way! Yeah, we may have actually met without knowing it then. I used to work in the Bargain Booze down the road from the train station, would occasionally go into the Ladbrokes nears Weatherspoons to feed all my wages into the machine before hitting the pub to drown my sorrows (most times, I did win occasionally!) before my train was due.

    I actually have a claim to fame, some dude that used to come into the store came in one day recording for a music video he was making 😀 2:42 into the video you’ll spot me behind the till haha

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