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  • #50866
    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Interesting article on the BBC news about a guy with brain damage who lost £210k last year on online casinos then asked for his money back as he had brain damage and had joined gamstop after he lost it..   A bit of a quandary there, obviously the casino’s should have considered him a problem gambler when he lost £60k on 2 occasions, but he had the money in his bank and they can hardly ask every gambler the question, do you have brain damage.

    Some of them have given his money back, personally I think as a gesture of goodwill it wouldnt hurt them all  to give him his money back, its not as if they aren’t making millions.  I guess however they are worried about a precedent.

    So the question is when and where does a casino’s responsibility start and end

    sidders WANTED $21

    Personally I think he shouldn’t get a penny back. If he has the mental capacity to know it’s wrong and know what he’s doing to open more accounts even tho he’s done GameStop then he is accountable for his actions…. isn’t he ?

    Also if has been assessed of having a bad type of brain damage surely he must have some form of carer so obviously somebody has deemed him ok to look after himself ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    I think i know this person but as in the article he has not used his real name and looks like he would rather keep his identity hidden, i won’t go on and confirm who he is!

    My view is that something like this is a very very grey area, yes there is responsibility with the casino but there is also responsibility with the individual, had he have won, he wouldn’t be telling them about his condition and giving them their winnings back, if it is the guy i am thinking of, he is a very nice lad and we have several conversations but it is possible to turn this kind of thing in to a free punt if casinos are actually held responsible, like i said, tough one and controversial too.

    TheVajinator WANTED $9

    Not to insult poor fella, but after some sessions I feel like I have brain damage.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    The Bandit wrote:

    I think i know this person but as in the article he has not used his real name and looks like he would rather keep his identity hidden, i won’t go on and confirm who he is!

    My view is that something like this is a very very grey area, yes there is responsibility with the casino but there is also responsibility with the individual, had he have won, he wouldn’t be telling them about his condition and giving them their winnings back, if it is the guy i am thinking of, he is a very nice lad and we have several conversations but it is possible to turn this kind of thing in to a free punt if casinos are actually held responsible, like i said, tough one and controversial too.

    It really is a tough spot for the casinos to be in, at 1st thought I say No… But after some time thinking about it it makes sense in a promotional way (Tax avoidence) for the casinos to give some back %90 and 10% for running costs to be kept, maybe. With legalisation moving forward in some way, but that would mean in effect your doctor could get you a permanent online casino bans and that ain’t going down well at all….  So yeah really really tough spot to be in. Dang?

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