bc game and crypto wallet

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    just have few questions if anyone could help im looking to have a go on b.c game i no nothing about crypto im just wondering whats the best wallet to use to buy crypto and deposit there iam aware i will need to use a vpn on the site also if you win how do you convert the money to cash in your bank any information would be helpful thankyou ?

    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    THEBARON wrote:

    just have few questions if anyone could help im looking to have a go on b.c game i no nothing about crypto im just wondering whats the best wallet to use to buy crypto and deposit there iam aware i will need to use a vpn on the site also if you win how do you convert the money to cash in your bank any information would be helpful thankyou ?

    If you don’t know what you are doing then don’t waste your time unless you plan on gambling a lot.

    Crypto casino are only worthwhile if you wager a lot (100k+), then the rewards are actually ok. If not you will lose more money via fees than you would just playing at a UK site.

    lee020 WANTED $9

    I use Kraken.com for my wallet and buying and selling crypto.  I also use Dogecoin as the fees seem to be the lowest (I only bet £50 a week, and it’s a couple of quid by the time I’ve got the crypto into the site).  I don’t use BC.game though, my crypto got stolen and it took them an hour to respond to my chat, but which time there was no chance to stop the transfer.  BC.game honestly couldn’t give a shit about it.  Whatever site you use make sure to use 2FA protection.

    Crypto isn’t difficult, just a bit scary the first time and it normally takes about 30 minutes for the funds to deposit and overnight to withdraw.

    Good luck.

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