BC Game and VPN

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  • #144262
    bishman WANTED $84

    I’ve been using bcgame with NordVPN for several months but since my laptop rebooted this morning everytime i try to access the site it tells me that its not available in the UK.  This is with my VPN connected and set to various countries that i have used in the past such as Brazil, Poland, etc.  I have tried several other countries but get the same issue.  Any ideas?

    When I goto the UK site that it suggests it tells me that the UK site is not available in my country, almost like the uk site is seeing my VPN but the original site isnt?

    Slot WANTED $51

    bishman wrote:

    I’ve been using bcgame with NordVPN for several months but since my laptop rebooted this morning everytime i try to access the site it tells me that its not available in the UK.  This is with my VPN connected and set to various countries that i have used in the past such as Brazil, Poland, etc.  I have tried several other countries but get the same issue.  Any ideas?

    When I goto the UK site that it suggests it tells me that the UK site is not available in my country, almost like the uk site is seeing my VPN but the original site isnt?

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    Inception67 WANTED $6

    bishman wrote:

    I’ve been using bcgame with NordVPN for several months but since my laptop rebooted this morning everytime i try to access the site it tells me that its not available in the UK.  This is with my VPN connected and set to various countries that i have used in the past such as Brazil, Poland, etc.  I have tried several other countries but get the same issue.  Any ideas?

    When I goto the UK site that it suggests it tells me that the UK site is not available in my country, almost like the uk site is seeing my VPN but the original site isnt?

    Delete all cookies and site history – uninstall NordVPN – Reinstall NordVPN – access the site with VPN on. Should work.

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