BetWay gave me the world then kicked me in the plums and took it all back!

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    TheDegenerateGambler WANTED $1

    I opened an account with BetWay two weeks back, went through verification and started depositing.

    I deposited a few hundred over the week and got up to over a grand……happy days! or so I thought.

    I then get an email (now two weeks after they had verified my ID etc) to say that I already had an account with them from about 3 years ago which I had self excluded from (only for 6 month) and as a result they wouldn’t be paying me any winnings. They said they would, however, give me back my deposits (a fifth of what the winnings were) but as of today they have only refunded 3/4 of what I actually deposited.

    Not really too impressed with how it’s been handled and the length of time it took them to notify me I had a duplicate account.

    I wonder if I hadn’t won would they have bothered telling me????



    argyl53 WANTED $419

    They probably wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t won and subsequently tried to withdraw, if you used a different email address, it’s the sort of thing which would only come up during the due diligence on withdrawals. But then you said you were verified which makes it at least interesting that your name and date of birth wasn’t flagged at that stage. Were your address and card different too?

    It’s unfortunate but entirely fair by the casino. You’re getting your deposits back, unlike the guy who posted here recently about Mr Green.

    I sincerely don’t mean this unkindly but I don’t tend to have much sympathy for people when they complain about casinos in any way which amounts to “Casino won’t pay out because I [insert obvious violation of terms and conditions here]” – I know it can happen by accident and it sucks and I feel for you to that extent, but ultimately it is as much the player responsibility to check these things and know what they’re signing up for and what they have signed up for. Self exclusion and bonus restrictions are the ones people most commonly fall foul of.

    TheDegenerateGambler WANTED $1

    I completely agree, my fault really I guess.

    bank details and address had changed, possibly email too but my name and date of birth remain the same.

    Im just gutted ☹️ But it is what it is.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    It’s sometimes hard to remember where you have excluded from, probably should write a big list to prevent this from happening again, bit annoying that you went through verification though and only after winning did they notice…. hmmmm!

    Iggmeister WANTED $2

    I know it will be in their terms that you can’t open a second account – but, they took ur bets.  and, a bet is a contract of sorts – i’d complain tbh – no harm.

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