Big day tomorrow!!

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    inspect her gadget WANTED $21


    Funnily enough it only took until lunchtime on my 1st day for my instructor to have a rant about cyclists…..must be a nationwide thing!

    inspect her gadget WANTED $21

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Congrats on making it through the first week ? you’ll be fully trained and earning properly in no time ??

    Cheers mate, I hope so!

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Hope it all pans out for you ! However your name suggests an entirely different job. haha

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    inspect her gadget wrote:


    Funnily enough it only took until lunchtime on my 1st day for my instructor to have a rant about cyclists…..must be a nationwide thing!

    Congrats mate, well done.. I hope your lessons goes well & as a professional driver myself please don’t get upset about cyclists or other incidents as it only makes your day worse, learn to laugh about them…

    BTW your instructor is a asshole because he should realise that him and you finish at the same time everyday no matter what holds you up or happens, plus cyclists are human too.

    Once your driving for a while and talking to the other drivers you’ll realise its the same asshole everyday who have some idiot to complain about…. ?????

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Sounds like you are enjoying it mate, fair play for jumping in to something you fancy, hard to leave a career and start a new one after so many years, good luck!

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Im not surprised you’re changing jobs, you never did bring me that million pound cheque haha, only jokin, good luck with the new job and hopefully, ding ding, next stop, more money in the bank and happy days ahead 🙂

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Hats of to u mate ,  gret story and im sure it will give others the same strength to get thru their probs to    all the best well done !!

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