Book of Oz

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  • #49665
    Pawel_PJ123 WANTED $10

    Hi guys,

    I was kind of addicted to the book of dead slot a couple of months ago, it paid like crazy and I am really into this kind of ‘special expanding symbol’ kind of bollox, but this slot has literally been dead for me for the past 3 months or so, so I started looking for something else.


    I saw Bandit playing book of oz the other night and decided to give it a go- been playing it for the past couple of weeks and it always seem to bonus within the first 50 spins and often likes to bonus a couple of times- first bonus is usually shit, then second after another 20-30 spins around a 100x with the potential to be much more and third after another 40-50 spins which is usually shit as well 😀


    My point is, I seem to always get at least my money back because it bonuses fairy regularly without the need to use the respin feature, and I had a couple of very good bonuses on it as well which, at the end, puts me in profit for the game- I’d say it is a great game for wagering and with a little bit of luck, you might even be in profit 😉 just the other night I had a 858x bonus on 0.50eur stake.


    What are your experiences with it?

    Pawel_PJ123 WANTED $10
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I have never really played it without the respins, i have had some great luck with the Jackpot line but it gets really expensive to spin when you only need one! Nice full screen you got there!

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

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    Some great wins there pal. ???

    Diamedi WANTED $12

    I’ve played it in free play because I am easy to tilt with missing respins. Trying to get the top symbol was terribly hard. Everytime I tried it I lost (fun) money. That’s the reason I haven’t tried it in real play.

    Nice to hear you get a lot of bonuses!

    And a very beautiful full screen!

    I wish you best of luck in the future trying to get the 5000x

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