Book of ra magic.

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  • #10629
    Giggsy123 WANTED $3

    Just tried this slot on vidoeslots, what a game! It’s ra and magic mirror combined. Got 2 x 400x bonuses straight away. Could play it for hours lol.

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Hmmmmmmm  a new slot giving good bonuses out, reminds me of them dam fobts when they first came out, And then before I knew it my pants were round my ankles and my bank account empty and I didn’t even get a ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Lol they love a good bonus when they launch don’t they…. kind of like that clockwork mice for me!

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    The Bandit wrote:

    Lol they love a good bonus when they launch don’t they…. kind of like that clockwork mice for me!

    Watched you play Magc Mirror Steve, looks like such a tricky game to bonus!

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Haha bandit did you know the bookies use a ? system on their regular Punters.

    red = be aware good gambler, makes money watch their bets.

    amber = average punter knows when to stop

    green light = ME fucking degens always walks out doing the ? impression with both pockets turned out and fuck all in them apart from a bit of fluff and a few visa debit receipts.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    This game seems interesting and I can’t wait to have a good crack at it 🙂

    Darren83 WANTED $11

    Maybe it will bonus a bit more often then Magic Mirror,can never get a dam Merkur games to bonus only ever manage 3 bonues on Merkur games and i play them at least every session.

    Marky mark WANTED $15

    400 spins and another 100 last night not a sniff of a bonus, was really looking forward to playing this game as Book of RA is one of my favorite slots. Has anyone had a good win on it yet? Let me know.

    Geordiemark42 WANTED $68

    Hmm I played it as can not play magic mirror on my tablet, was hopeful but after £200 and one crap bonus. I played on 10p stake. Have played for hours last few days had over 30 bonuses and all crap. Just had my first retrigger with explorer and the bird thing. got a couple of twos but that’s it. I think it is fucking shit. Or I’m just fucking cursed lol?.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Darren83 wrote:

    Maybe it will bonus a bit more often then Magic Mirror,can never get a dam Merkur games to bonus only ever manage 3 bonues on Merkur games and i play them at least every session.

    I’m the same as you bud, find them absolutely impossible to bonus. Magic Mirror has had nearly 2000 spins without a bonus on me before. Never managed to bonus Knights Life.

    I gave Book of Ra Magic a go the other day, didn’t manage a bonus but hopefully soon!

    Tjay WANTED $0

    I started playing this about a month ago. Between £5 and £10 spins. Ended up winning over £7k. My last big win was £6k from £1000 deposit. Then over 2 days i had done £5k in a matter of hours. Very dangerous game!!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Tjay wrote:

    I started playing this about a month ago. Between £5 and £10 spins. Ended up winning over £7k. My last big win was £6k from £1000 deposit. Then over 2 days i had done £5k in a matter of hours. Very dangerous game!!

    Great wins bud, but ouch! I know the feeling!

    I’ve not played much of Book of Ra Magic since it came out, may give it another blast in a week or two.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Hacko1 wrote:

    Haha bandit did you know the bookies use a ? system on their regular Punters.

    red = be aware good gambler, makes money watch their bets.

    amber = average punter knows when to stop

    green light = ME fucking degens always walks out doing the ? impression with both pockets turned out and fuck all in them apart from a bit of fluff and a few visa debit receipts.


    Yeah i used to work in bookies and you always had your “monitored” customer section where you had to detail the persons type of bets, stake, results etc, they were usually called something like “big tall bloke with nike hat” though 😀

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