Book of oz … crazy run

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  • #40831
    notrege WANTED $41





    After seeing the bandit do it on £1 … and end up with crazy prices for spins, throught i;d give it a bash on 10p … witihn about 15 mins had them all lined up 4 times, and even one time i had 2 books and was looking for the final book/face .. spins was bout £2.89 but landed second press .. not sure if everyone was on it after seeing Steve do it … but walked away with a nice profit on 10p stakes … anyone else had a run similar?


    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    That’s some fantastic hits there mate. Especially on such a small stake.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Honeymoon period…..




    Nuff said


    notrege WANTED $41

    One didn’t upload too !


    I have to say notrege…well watched, well thought out and well deserved. I thought about having a go as well when i watched the video but donked my cash before i got to do it. The question now is …are you giving Bandit 10% of your winnings …lol 🙂 well played bud.

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Well done and well figured out and for having the balls to have a go at it, I guess it could have got messy though.

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    This took me 4 presses, deposited £15


    voodoodolleke WANTED $5

    Just Basics wrote:

    Honeymoon period…..




    Nuff said


    Slot has been released over a month ago, usually the honeymoon period is over after a week 😀

    The Bandit WANTED $5,404
    El Bandito

    From my little go on it it seemed surprisingly willing to drop the jackpot line in didn’t it, that effort had come from someone saying it did so and to give it a bash and here it is doing the same for you, i do wonder if it will get tightened up any time soon lol! Just remember to stick at a comfortable stake for yourselves if you are having a go because those jackpot line spins go silly expensive and on one of my set ups, i must have spun the reel 60 times to get him to land where i wanted him!

    notrege WANTED $41

    I was ridiculously surprised it dropped the 3 books to make the line rather than drop 3 books to kick off the bonus and ignore the couple of spins I spent previous

    BTW, because the stake was 10p the total win was only like £60 including the £50 trigger

    Great video on how to do it though and looks so able, would love to see others get it too !

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Glad to see it paying you but i stand by what i said.

    They will change it if people keep winning.


    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    You’re just getting lucky

    Tried it on demo, £25 stake because why not

    Got the full line for £12,500, 3 presses later it comes in again

    It then took roughly 2 minutes to lose the entire £22,500 balance!

    Tricardo WANTED $12

    I tried this technique before Christmas and got burned. Managed just over 30 respins without it landing. It doesn’t sound a lot, I know, but it ruined a balance. Good luck everyone who tries it, but my personal luck on it tells me to swerve.

    notrege WANTED $41

    I didn’t dare go back on it so soon, i tried the free play .. 2k start £25 spins … and it rolled in this … pretty sure in real mooney it has that pigsby flying in the background


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