Bookies have magnets

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    So your walking down the middle of the high street and in the distance you see the bookies. All of a sudden for no apparent reason you start walking at a 45 degree angle to towards the bookies. Your feet are involuntary moving on their own. Next thing you know your in there. Well may as well while I’m here. 200 to 300 quid down in the space of 5 minutes on the fobt you leave and think what the hell just happened. Was I hypnotized ?. Was I dragged in by the bookies magnet?. You stand there in disbelief. This has happened to me too many times. Fortunately not for a while. Has it happened to you ? I can’t believe I’m the only one.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Your not the only one mate. Something about them soul sucking soon to be paperweights that draw you in. I’ve done it countless times in the past (and had a very lucky escape just before Christmas which I posted about).

    It’s amazing how if I’m playing poker or blackjack I can easily walk away but them fucking things just attract you in. Even as I put money in I know I should walk away oh to late already span it. I try my hardest to keep as far away as possible.

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Always said its like I’ve been hypnotised,, nothing else can explain the draw of more 20 quid notes going in until I’m bust. Horrible machines .

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Like Andy says anything else it’s easy to walk away from but them machines suck u dry lol.

    Think it’s the quick hit and quick money that got me. I also liked the fact I’m unknown and there is no trace. Think that’s why I’ve never really took to online, don’t like that it would leave proof of what I’ve been doing with my cash

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Weird that I thought red lights in windows was the only thing that drew men in like magnets……. O_O

    joshnadin WANTED $11

    I know the feeling man, too many times when I was 18-19 did I do my absolute plums on a FOBT in a bookies. For some reason, all sense and logic seems to disappear when you’re just feeding the wretched things. You walk out and feel like you’ve been slapped in the face and don’t really know whats gone on apart from having an empty wallet.

    I’ve not played on a FOBT of any kind for years since getting into playing slots online instead. Now I understand how they work I can’t comprehend putting money into them when they have a max payout of £500 when I can play a larger selection of slots online, with a higher RTP, and can win much, much more than £500 for staking the same amount per spin. I also think its much easier to set up your responsible play limits online before playing, and for some strange reason I can lose £100 online and walk away where playing in the bookies seems much harder to leave; strange huh..

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Used to stand outside them with pals when we were weans !!  After clubbing together a shilling listenig through the door to c if we had won ????? subsequently spent my whole life giving them , not any more tho stil gamble but only online now i can look at my online bank account and see my losses its an eye opener. Helps me control my my gambling a lot more sensibly ????? fk the fobties

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    It’s my own personal opinion but I think we are going to see the high street bookie shops half in size in the latter part of this year, they may work round the £2 but there is no way the average punter wants that. Most blokes I know stick a score in for 2 spins of the wheel, the new stake wont make me cross the road to play them no more.

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Unfortunately for me I have to walk past the willy hills shop to get to the local chippy in my town, this is how it normally goes.

    Head down walking repeatedly saying to myself , not going in not going in not going in not going in not going in not going in SHIT I’m in.

    it normally costs me an arm and a leg for the Friday night tea.??

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Hacko1 wrote:

    Unfortunately for me I have to walk past the willy hills shop to get to the local chippy in my town, this is how it normally goes.

    Head down walking repeatedly saying to myself , not going in not going in not going in not going in not going in not going in SHIT I’m in.

    it normally costs me an arm and a leg for the Friday night tea.??

    I’m so sorry but I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of a not only a battered sausage but a battered bank balance too ??

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    ?? have you been spying on me at the urinal

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Hacko1 wrote:

    ?? have you been spying on me at the urinal

    Haha! ?? hope your expensive chippy was worth it!

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    I wouldn’t be able to move in my local town centre every 2nd shop is a bookies haha

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