Bored of multy mouse clicking.

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  • #33721

    I have listened to a fair few people complain about the Auto Spin function being taken off some games. Truth be told if your bonus hunting this is a complete pain. The solution to the problem is easily sorted with a little program you can download from loads of sites and which is called ‘FREE MOUSE AUTO CLICKER’ or ‘GS multy clicker’.
    Just google either one for a list of where to download and how they work.
    I use a site called ‘Filehippo’ and downloaded the ‘FREE MOUSE AUTO CLICKER’ which took a few seconds only.
    Bandit, i know how much you love multy Hope this helps.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Sure, but on that note before I blocked myself, I noticed Bonanza on one of the main sites I played on had the auto removed….just curious if anyone knows why so many games are having this taken out?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I think it is a legal thing, like Push Gaming emailed me to explain why no turbo some places and it is down to where they have their licence, some places require a certain amount of seconds between the spin and the displayed result which means you can’t have turbos at some places – it is probably a similar thing. I have been told about the auto clicker jobbies, i’m just so lazy i never get round to it lol

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The Bandit wrote:

    I think it is a legal thing, like Push Gaming emailed me to explain why no turbo some places and it is down to where they have their licence, some places require a certain amount of seconds between the spin and the displayed result which means you can’t have turbos at some places – it is probably a similar thing. I have been told about the auto clicker jobbies, i’m just so lazy i never get round to it lol

    Jeez, imagine the problems they’d have with Pragmatic Play and their turbo mode!

    Just be careful of autoclickers guys, I downloaded a random one I found years ago, and it was full of spyware and bricked my HDD. Obviously this could happen with anything, but I do seem to remember it having that same name on FileHippo ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I put a bit of a comment on here but forgot to log in! Doh, anyway i’ll try and remember what I said.

    My worry with multiclickers are do casinos class it as an automatic script? It’s a bit of a grey area in casino terms and we all know that casino’s love a grey area to exploit!

    Best be safe and manually click that mouse!

    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    Autoplay is one of those things that no company quite knows the rules on, in the UK anyway.  In other parts of the world you can quick spin Novos!

    Arcades and bookies have had some interesting concepts over the years too, some arcades set it so you could only do 10 spins in autoplay before it reset again!  Then there was a short period where the bookies/casinos had a ‘turbo spin’ button on the FOBT roulette to basically totally bypass the spin video!  That didn’t last too long haha

    There is even a £100 SG jackpot game that promises a higher % payout if you play on autoplay, not quite sure how they’re getting away with that one!

    The worst is the autoplay tha takes longer to do the spins than just mashing the start button!

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I would expect an autoclicker to be a bit of a grey area in a casinos terms as well. As silly as it sounds we all know casinos love any grey area loophole to exploit and most of the casinos ban things like autoscripts.

    Just be careful, we don’t want another sad story of casinos taking away winnings for a crappy reason ?

    Edit – ** I’m assuming this is the one I added without being logged in**

    aps31 WANTED $15


    I once played at a site that had no auto spin function on bonanza, can not remeber the name of the site but I think it was the name of a casino chain in the uk, Anyway the game played a lot better and it bonused a lot but as you know mega way games need an auto play so you can do other shit while you wait.

    villanmike WANTED $24

    You can also press the space bar pretty much on any online casino. Much more relaxing.


    Hi, i agree with your scepticisim to the use of an auto clicker Xbobmad and think that the use of any programm should be treated with the utmost scrutiny. All i can say is that i have had no issues and there are a few players who do use these without any problems( a streamer called Craig uses the GS type, sorry i cant remember the stream title). They have been around for many years and though not designed for slotting work very well. Im sure a man of Bandits profile could raise the question with his sites and providers and advise accordingly.

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