Boring repetitive content

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  • #142724
    Panda-Ryuk WANTED $1

    beadie86 wrote:

    Bet you have some right shit on your tongue from all the arse licking you do ! just so you know the post was directed to the bandit not you so why you taking it so personal?
    it’s called constructive criticism and simply requesting to change the games now and again if you want to read into it how you like then carry on you bum sniffer

    I do not think that this forum is the right place for you as you are rude and calling out people names . Why you even bother , its his channel and he put content that he want which he clearly stated several times in his videos . If you don’t like it or got bored , no one will stop you if you move on , or take a break . No need for you to kick up the stink about it .

    In addition to your second comment about addiction , I can only say that it is your weak mind and your bad choices in your life . This is your own choice to watch gambling content if you are addicted and not to fight it .

    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    The Bandit wrote:

    I’m far from lazy or stupid, if you knew me you would know and appreciate that but you don’t know me. You are entitled to your opinion of course you are, i do suggest you take your own advice and don’t watch any more in the near future. Cheers for the view contribution you made when you used to watch, much appreciated.

    You are lazy, not stupid and I have a way to prove it.
    Bring us all a nice hot cappuccino each, to our door during next month.
    Then you can’t be called lazy but stupid. haha

    Yea, some mental health help would go a long way for some of these people being abusive over slotting content while others are simply trying to politely explain why they may not be enjoying it so much. Maybe the forum should have a prayer vigil for them so they can find balance on what is right and wrong to be angry about.

    Three issues around me right now :

    1. Merkur slots pay really badly and I have self excluded again
    2. I would like to find ways of enjoy what precious time I have on earth, if I run out of ways
    3. In recent weeks, 3 people close to me have passed away

    While I can hear a certain casualty garage tune I wonder or is it
    4. unrealistic reasons to be abusive to a stranger on a slotting forum

    Loads a love bandit, everyone.

    Churchy7 WANTED $1

    I agree, the contents boring. He’s gone from being entertaining too tedious. Two years ago, he was getting 100 thousand views regularly. He’s below half that now. He turns the chat off, he’s petrified of criticism. Poor content, boring commentary.

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