Brand new to all of this!

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    Jinglejangleman WANTED $3

    I’ve been watching the bandits videos for some time now and really really enjoy them. Fantastic top notch content, very enjoyable to watch! I’ve never really been into slots before, I play cards quite a bit. (I work full time as a close up magician so I have quite the fascination with playing card games) but slots are brand new to me.

    So after watching the videos for quite some time I took the plunge and thought I’d have a crack! 20p stake on reel king and it’s not long until 5 of those beautiful scrolls come in! £100, happy days! I don’t have what it takes to hit that button on the big gambkes yet. I’m gambling well within my means and really enjoying it so far. Just thought id introduce myself and it would be great if anyone had any tips on playing the slots or good games to try, only played reel king so far and loving it.


    Great tk be here and to meet you all!



    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Welcome to the forum mate, appreciate you popping along and congrats on the win 😀


    Hi, nice win and good luck for the future. If your well into cards and card games maybe you could look into the history and origins of how card games have developed over the years.The changes over time etc etc. Then pop it in the forum as i’m sure many people would be interested. Just an idea, take care bud. 🙂

    benq99 WANTED $229

    welcome mate

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Nice win mate. Welcome to the forum.

    Jinglejangleman WANTED $3

    NOMAD RED 7 wrote:

    Hi, nice win and good luck for the future. If your well into cards and card games maybe you could look into the history and origins of how card games have developed over the years.The changes over time etc etc. Then pop it in the forum as i’m sure many people would be interested. Just an idea, take care bud. ?

    Love this idea! I could definitely put something together. Especially about card cheating etc.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    My all time favourite slot is book of dead, I quite often deposit a fiver and spin on 10p which often bonuses for 50-100x then move over to danger high voltage on 20p then get ripped apart my moon princess lol I’d say probably 50% of the time I get above a tenner and the sessions usually last between 20mins and an hour although sometimes it’s over in 2 minutes flat lol

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    Moon princess can be an absolute pig but for some reason I love playing it. Had some decent wins on it but it’s defiantly up there for tilt slot of the decade!

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Levskie101 wrote:

    Moon princess can be an absolute pig but for some reason I love playing it. Had some decent wins on it but it’s defiantly up there for tilt slot of the decade!

    I know man I don’t know why I like it so much lol I have had a few 200x bonuses but 90% of the time it rips me


    I got my balance up to £27 earlier and lost the lot on 20p spins on it and it only gave me trinity once! It tilts fuck out of me when the girls come out and start changing shit for no win ?

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Welcome to the forum 😀


    Welcome to the madhouse mate everyone in here is basically nuts but the worst of us all has to be @the bandit he’s just crazy ? anyways as for the slots there’s quiet a few good ones book of dead captain venture try some pragmatics there entertaining just have fun and stay within your means

    BeaverBoy WANTED $0

    Just joined after watching the bandits videos for a while, I’ve even spent my lunch breaks watching them, highly enjoyable and a great laugh.


    Anyways Hello All

    tim gardiner WANTED $2

    hi I am new to all this trying my best to learn how get around your site I am not very good with lap tops I think I am a bit old to start learning now anyway I will give it my best shot

    devon life WANTED $13

    welcome tim

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