Breakdown of the Hot Streak (28/03/2020 – 15/04/2020)

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  • #94760
    meds77 WANTED $1

    Very impressed with your returns on Danger High Voltage

    Ate77 WANTED $4

    Bloody hell mate, bet that took you… Or dave lol ages to work out. Good breakdown though. Loving the vids always, but definately lately. Keep them coming, they are a great distraction. Most entertaining slotter there is.

    simong69 WANTED $3

    oh my god…. steve with all that money, can you buy a defibulator so we can restart are hearts…lol great run so be merry and I hope it lasts

    dynamo180 WANTED $3

    A can honestly say a wish a had 10% of your luck recently. Love reading all the hate comments on other streamers post on you tube. You were getting a good mention on hypas latest upload lol.. the amount you stake you deserve a run of luck. I’ll continue watching/admiring from afar lol.. all the best m8.

    pvdtheking WANTED $3

    Grats on the streak…long may it continue.

    Been watching for ages now and gotta say, watching u chip/nick and them so much while on my days off from work has stopped me gambling anything away….its nice to see both sides of gambling…the wins and losses (and ive seen u do both). I cant believe people still think your fake…but hey that’s their opinion.

    slotfather WANTED $1

    How much are you up on reelking since you first played it?

    dynamo180 WANTED $3

    Also I know that reel king is max £40 stake. If it was a higher max stake would u go higher or is £40 as high as you would go?

    Darren83 WANTED $11

    Another 3 weeks of lockdown to come and more bandit videos hopefully lol. Can you give Ivan the immortal king a bash for me mate, it has potential! My biggest ever win is on that slot.

    Keep up the entertainment mate.




    Hepster88 WANTED $2

    There amazing numbers jeez. Hope this continues for ya matey. Good luck.

    Run187 WANTED $28

    I believe jammin jars jumps to the first part of the win it touches on a a win. Surprised no one plays loaded slot..

    Keithy1986 WANTED $1

    What a run your on mate. Always giving the viewer details and putting wins/losses into perspective. The jockeys of the “knob” variety who say it’s fake etc etc are just jealous and have nothing better to do than try and bring a decent guy down. Love watching the videos. And I hope you keep hammering those slots. On another note,are you getting any closer to the “trophy/piece” for your boy for the YouTube viewers?? If you want one let me know what they look like and I can get one made and engraved up as I’m in that sort of work if it would mean that much to the lad. Happy hunting mate.

    Jackhayes2368 WANTED $1

    Congrats mate deserve it! Made my lockdown just watching your videos! Keeping me entertained and saving me a lot a money!!??‍♂️ Win win

    Stevethewelder WANTED $1

    do you ever show deposits mate a lot of people calling you out??? Not just video slots deposits as people saying your in with them???

    Jordansture WANTED $1

    Love watching the videos great to see you actual stats of the games overall. Well I’m mate!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Stevethewelder wrote:

    do you ever show deposits mate a lot of people calling you out??? Not just video slots deposits as people saying your in with them???

    I have over 400 videos on YouTube, how about this, take yourself off to a random one and find a point where i make a deposit, then come back here and tell me what video it was, what time in the video it was and then i will go and find that deposit on my bank statement.

    I’ve shown many deposits over the years, it makes absolutely not a jot of difference to anyone tbh.


Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 110 total)