Brexit….Fed up of it ?

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    Steller WANTED $34

    Green2711 wrote:

    Once we are out there goes the EU employment laws that protects us then we are left with the tories who’s only purpose is keeping themselves and their friends rich and they really couldn’t give a damn about the working class, do you really trust them? What happened to all the money that the leave campaign  promised that would be getting pumped into the NHS after we left? It’s not happening is it because the Tories want to get rid of the NHS and privatise. If you’re going to vote for the Tories in the next general election then I hope you have a bit of money in your back pocket because these cronies don’t have the best interest of the many just of the few.


    Sorry, but this “class war” thing is so outdated and gets us nowhere. There are indeed stil a few of those old, very hard right Tory barstewards who’d like to privatise or even  scrap the NHS and bring the minimum wage down to 49p an hour, but they are in a tiny minorrity and have zero influnce on government policy. The majority are middle of the road “one nation tories” with others on the left who are pretty close Labour rightwing Blairites. The hard fact is,is that EVERY single labour government has left office with unemployment higher than when they took power. The majority of people will never vote for an extreme right Tory party and certainly not an extreme left Labour party. Momemtum run this Labour party and its filled with Commies.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Eightblack wrote:

    I agree with pretty much all of that seedy, there is another way to save it without cutting back on essentials like health care, education and police and that is to properly enforce taxes on companies such as Google, amazon, starbucks etc and to close or at least moderate tax havens.. Unfortunately though those who rule us benefit from these things personally so while it has a detrimental effect on the Avarage Joe they continue to make enough to not have to worry about public school places and the NHS and such

    Unfortunately, mate the googles amazons and Starbucks are all American companies and come under a tax agreement between the UK and USA this tax agreement doesn’t benefit the government per se but benefits UK trading companies that have USA markets. 🙂 The main reason I know this is because I have a shares ISA and buy shares etc with my savings but I had to sign a tax agreement for when I bought stocks from the USA markets due to the regulations being different in that an ISA is tax free for 11 grand I think a year to put into it I don’t think the USA has this so there would be tax to be then payed on any gains from the stocks its all a head-fuck really.

    Steller WANTED $34

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    The People have spoken and those in parliament (who represent the majority) should uphold what their constituents voted for. End of.

    Easier said than done tho. The “people” are very split with almost half being pissed if we left or stayed, and then we have both main parties split into factions. It’s an almost impossible situation no matter who ‘s in charge.

    Very true. It’s certainly not clear cut. But ultimately, if parliament don’t uphold the will of the majority, what’s the point of having a democracy.

    If it goes to a second referendum and we vote to remain by roughly the same margin, what happens then? A third, final deciding referendum.

    That way lies madness.

    How about a referendum to see if we want another referenum?  Its all as bonkers as a Bandit high stakes vid.

    Biohazard WANTED $675


    sidders WANTED $21

    478 MPs voted to trigger article 50 to leave the EU, with or without a deal. We should not take No Deal of the table because I believe this country can make its own rules and be an independent state.

    I fear however that tonight’s vote will take the No Deal off the table ( which goes against what they all voted for )which I think is a bad thing …. ?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    The problem with being independent means that for our economy to flourish we need to have good trade around the world unfortunately we are a country that doesn’t produce fuck all really anymore lol 🙂

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    The Brexit referendum was a Non binding vote that the ERG (Boris, JRM) has pushed to be legally binding & in doing so are subverting parliament rules, and that’s why Mr Bercow is always interfering, its a political mess.. The Lords would have voted it down anyway..(Hence the reason No Actual proposal on a deal was every made by the ERG, to this day Boris, JRM and the ERG have never made a document outlining there planed deal) that alone tells US we can’t trust them. Even if your a Tory supporter, look at how there split.


    They will sell off the NHS and Care home assistance etc, to outsourced means, in the financial markets they are looking to again do some fancy tricks (we need a Economist to explain this) with tax laws and Rob the common man again.


    The EU is quite simple really (well as simple as it can be trading with another country) after the 20 odd years it took from 1954 to 1970’s to smooth out deals (yes, that’s 20 years to make a deal, Canada deal took 12 years and Japan took 12 years too, China was longer and had more concessions like Hong Kong) so a no deal or even what we were stupidly trying for the last 2 years was err Immpossible as the last ones took over 10 years to sort and that was when we had friends to back us up like trading partners Germany, Holland France, Belgium, etc as bulk buys more profit, now we’re on OUR OWN. And that’s the way it will be in the future that even small countries that we FUCKED up like greese Malta, Japan China can veto our deals in future trades because we have no friends anymore… Do you really think China, Japan, India, Pakistan has just forgave us for the Empire.. Lmao.



    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    It’s time to get real my friends and realise that by having more friends is way better when Trading with country’s, Bloc’s and the USA- USA is a private traded company who looks out for ITS shareholders. After all we don’t exactly make the modern world anymore due to lack of investment from BOTH parties (we ain’t Microsoft, IBM or Facebook or make cars, ships clothes, Infact we have FISH) so it’s time to wake up and smell the cheese so to speak. As the Torys cut most of these by selling them off, steel went to China etc, we have no Gas money, oil is cheap etc.

    If I go down the Asian Market on my own bantering ain’t always fun as I’m not buying a lot, but if I have loads a friends with me buying & trading then we get cheaper products for buying in bulk. That’s the EU in a nutshell, except ENGLAND AND ENGLISH PEOPLE ARE VERY DISSLIKED IN THE MODERN WORLD because of the British empire, UK history and our Prudish ways. Oh and we have vast power in the financial markets, that may or may not stay because that’s who the ERG is(Boris and JRM).

    LBC radio with James Obrian and 3 blokes in a pub with Jason explains Brexit very well for us noobs & The youtube Videos from the House Of Lords who have denounced Brexit as Fantasy Land for the experts to watch is very informative. Both sets of MP’s labour and Conservative have been caught lying to us and want Brexit, fortunately the EU has been honest in its dealings otherwise the IRA would be bombing again (they sent a package 1/2 a mile from my house the other day) to a University I stay near. Yeah yeah it’s OK for some people who haven’t lived through the troubles or been affected by them but it’s real.

    Its a lot of reading of Laws and nuance in Laws to deal with to understand in totality to understanding trading Blocs and making new deals as outlined by the House of Lords is again fantasy because guess what, they other country’s now have EU style trading Bloc’s and want the best deals not OUR deals and can force us because we need there products as we don’t exactly make anything nowadays as outlines above.

    Its very unfortunate that the people who voted for Brexit will be mostly hurt as the last remains of our manufacturing & production will diminish to a trickle.

    Personally I voted to stay & I have as I intended to do was to get a job that was least affected by Brexit and I have done so.. So I can laugh at the ones who did vote to fuck themself’s later on, then I realised that that’s what the right wing wanted and decided that I will try and help folk when It finally comes.. I have no hard feelings towards brexiteers anymore because they were duped and the Utter Lack of education in this country is well outright criminal.

    I could go on and on with regards to both parties but it would takes years to discuss their failings, honestly as source material is hidden by them very well. We can never trust right wing governing (World wars are caused by these folks remember) or even trust a fully left wing governing because of the propaganda by the right, not their actual policy’s as their usually all for the good of progress. But it’s a trust issues that everyone plays fair & that ain’t never happening unless we get the chopping blocks out again.

    Accountability has gone in the UK for now and I hope someone takes it back soon.

    People should read the Good Friday agreement to better understand why we can’t leave the EU and no we were not duped by this agreement after all it was the UK who made it happen, and fortunately the EU has backed Ireland honestly in the Law behind it. UK again wanted to screw Ireland into some sort of back stop that they fought against for over 100 years with terrorism.

    Again I implore posters NOT to listen to parliamentary debate or MP’s but to Listen to the House of Lords as their our best legal minds on these subjects for a reason, the MP’s are not Law experts or Even lawyers. They are salesmen.

    Ill try to reiterate again… Boris Johnson and JRM along with the ERG group(right wing think tank who has pushed for Brexit and is where all the main players are) have had over 10 years in the making to make a DEAL to give to parliament for debate & have not, again they HAVE NEVER put forward their plans or proposals for Brexit, but have instead hide behind Maybot and the David Davis’s (who incidently ran for cover too) and used NF for backing, funding and support from the Tommy Robinson groups and disadvantaged members of our society, after all that 1.6 bil that was promised last week for the North East will be off the table now, because Why? Ahh it was a bribe. And this is the problem, they have run down society so much that we scream for help and jumped at the Brexit because of lack of education(bad working hours and low pay) (I speak for myself here as I had to re-educate myself on these issues, and it’s bloody difficult)

    When the main players the ERG group can’t make a deal up, then thats when I can’t trust them, after all I never sign up for something without knowing what I’m paying for in real life.

    I had accepted the Brexit vote until I realised the actual Law. Now we need either to give up on it or delay until Someone from the House of Lords can put forward the legalise to make Britain Great again.

    Tl:Dr.. Brexit is a sham with sharletons at the helm. From both parties. Otherwise we’d have had a deal ready to go before the actual vote happened.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    sidders wrote:

    478 MPs voted to trigger article 50 to leave the EU, with or without a deal. We should not take No Deal of the table because I believe this country can make its own rules and be an independent state.

    I fear however that tonight’s vote will take the No Deal off the table ( which goes against what they all voted for )which I think is a bad thing …. ?

    Think of the EU as in buying illegal drugs, when your a 1 man band it don’t go to well, when your a gang well it has its benifits… ???

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Seedy wrote:

    The problem with being independent means that for our economy to flourish we need to have good trade around the world unfortunately we are a country that doesn’t produce fuck all really anymore lol ?

    And we have enemy’s from the past who have never forgotten the damage we done in Asia with the British Empire.

    It’s like this seedy…… <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>Will history repeat itself, Lmao No because they have nuclear bombs too and we’re a tiny little island. Wake up people please, we ain’t the Power no more.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>It was Margaret Thatcher who got us these EU deals and she was no mug, think about that, and that’s why she was called the Iron Lady, because she got us into the best deals ever with Germany in the EU. Yes the Best. ??</span>

    Steller WANTED $34

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Take the Corbyn approach.   Whatever question is asked just reply with – we need an election.

    Whar do you think about that plane crashing – we need an election.

    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory – we need a general election

    repeat endlessly.

    it avoids you actually having to provide any viable proposals yourself, just say everyone’s ideas are crap a nd then go into hiding

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Take the Corbyn approach.   Whatever question is asked just reply with – we need an election.

    Whar do you think about that plane crashing – we need an election.

    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory – we need a general election

    repeat endlessly.

    it avoids you actually having to provide any viable proposals yourself, just say everyone’s ideas are crap a nd then go into hiding

    Agree here that this is a major problem that NO-ONE in any party has a backbone. Including JC & the MayBot. After all the MayBot ran on not leaving the EU & has now sold her soul to the ERG, while knowing that the Good Friday agreement (which she help craft) was a was a major stumbling block.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    How is the NHS being Privatised?

    Facts matter.

    I’m Scottish so we have better health care than the rest of the UK in that our care homes, wait times & facilities are better run in opening hours and outside assistance.

    As I assume you may not be Scottish I suggest that you read up on how these people are duping your country’s citizens with regard to healthcare.

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