Brexit….Fed up of it ?

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    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Insert nice comment *seedy

    Found the bigots, getting offended by someone slagging off bigots and assuming They mean every leave voter.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @Rbgreen cut out the bullshit name calling its un called for no one was offensive to you so wind it in please taa ??

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Is it bad that I don’t care. Whatever the outcome we’ll get shafted till where 67 and probably after.

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Insert nice comment *seedy

    Found the bigots, getting offended by someone slagging off bigots and assuming They mean every leave voter.

    Yawn. You are one angry person.

    This is a reason its all rubbish. The whole debate has just turned in to two sides getting nasty and shouting..

    Maybe if everyone sat down and talked about everyone’s opinions (instead of saying nasty terms and words) things would get sorted.

    All you hear is remain ppl shouting down and name calling to leave voters. Saying racist, nazi, bigot and saying we are full of hate..

    Infact it seems to me that remain voters have the most hate inside them, they hate anyone who has an opinion, anyone who dares ask a question and anyone who doesn’t totally believe the media and the government .

    Subject closed for me now. As the only way this is going to go is an argument. Like any brexit/trump/political/policy talk goes these days.

    The art of talking and meeting in the middle is dead.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Steller wrote:

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    #Facts Matter….Your statement is wrong.

    If we stopped the B.S private payments given out by the public purse NHS to private company’s (who incidently are run by ex-tory mp’s & associates) then we save money, inflating the price off a light bulb because they said so is corruption 101 in my book & many others.

    BTW I don’t support or never have supported Labour.

    Also can you provide source material to back up your claims like I did. Or is this all your own facts?

    Mr B WANTED $395

    I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.

    Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.

    It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.

    There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored. 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Brexit…Am i fed up of it? Yeah

    Do i give a flying fuck about it? No

    Im not really clued up to whats going on with this fucking Farse. So i cant really comment intelectually lol.

    But what i can say, is that its being dealt with by a pack of fucking retarded animals, who have no clue on how the working class manage thier lifes.

    Either way my opinion is its all just a big cloud of donkey shit. And its being talked about so much to block our view on whats really going on behind closed doors.

    We are the many….they are the few.

    Lets fucking get em! ?

    #PropogandaRules and will always rule.


    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Just Basics wrote:

    Brexit…Am i fed up of it? Yeah

    Do i give a flying fuck about it? No

    Im not really clued up to whats going on with this fucking Farse. So i cant really comment intelectually lol.

    But what i can say, is that its being dealt with by a pack of fucking retarded animals, who have no clue on how the working class manage thier lifes.

    Either way my opinion is its all just a big cloud of donkey shit. And its being talked about so much to block our view on whats really going on behind closed doors.

    We are the many….they are the few.

    Lets fucking get em! ?

    #PropogandaRules and will always rule.


    I expected much more of an opinion from you JB, I don’t know why ??

    Swoody WANTED $2

    Have another referendum voting for either May’s deal or leave without a deal I am surprised this has not been suggested yet.

    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    #Facts Matter….Your statement is wrong.

    If we stopped the B.S private payments given out by the public purse NHS to private company’s (who incidently are run by ex-tory mp’s & associates) then we save money, inflating the price off a light bulb because they said so is corruption 101 in my book & many others.

    BTW I don’t support or never have supported Labour.

    Also can you provide source material to back up your claims like I did. Or is this all your own facts?

    I watch a lot of the Parliament tv channel so get my info direct from the horses mouths, not fake news, or left or right media outlets giving their spin on things. The facts about every Labour government leaving office with higher umemployment than when they took over is basic knowledge as is the massive debts they leavve -150 billion last time alone.  Remember way back Dennis Healey had to go cap in hand to the IMF to bail us out. Momemtum full of Commies? Again, this is basic stuff most people should know. Just the other day  they were coming out with crap about Tony Blair, saying he was never a Labour man and his type of Labour party is gone and never coming back. That’s the thanks you get from extremists for a man who won 3 elections for their party. If there was a Blairite led Labour party here today, they’d win the next election by a landslide.

    Steller WANTED $34

    Mr B wrote:

    I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.

    Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.

    It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.

    There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored. ?

    What system works as well or better than capitalism?   It “doesn’t work and never will” while people across most of the world have living standards way above the average person of generations gone by. For all its fauts, we are dammed lucky to be living in stable, democratic country with a high standard of living and no longer seeing housands upon thousands  of our young men being slaughtered in wars.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Steller wrote:

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    #Facts Matter….Your statement is wrong.

    If we stopped the B.S private payments given out by the public purse NHS to private company’s (who incidently are run by ex-tory mp’s & associates) then we save money, inflating the price off a light bulb because they said so is corruption 101 in my book & many others.

    BTW I don’t support or never have supported Labour.

    Also can you provide source material to back up your claims like I did. Or is this all your own facts?

    I watch a lot of the Parliament tv channel so get my info direct from the horses mouths, not fake news, or left or right media outlets giving their spin on things. The facts about every Labour government leaving office with higher umemployment than when they took over is basic knowledge as is the massive debts they leavve -150 billion last time alone.  Remember way back Dennis Healey had to go cap in hand to the IMF to bail us out. Momemtum full of Commies? Again, this is basic stuff most people should know. Just the other day  they were coming out with crap about Tony Blair, saying he was never a Labour man and his type of Labour party is gone and never coming back. That’s the thanks you get from extremists for a man who won 3 elections for their party. If there was a Blairite led Labour party here today, they’d win the next election by a landslide.


    Most if not all of above is B.S. Propaganda except for the Tony who went to war with no facts as your doing here.. I give you 1 more chance to<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”> see this well sourced material that you speak off.. Or I don’t reply anymore. Here’s that link you speak off…. </span><span style=”font-size: 1rem;”></span&gt;

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Steller wrote:

    Mr B wrote:

    I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.

    Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.

    It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.

    There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored. ?

    What system works as well or better than capitalism?   It “doesn’t work and never will” while people across most of the world have living standards way above the average person of generations gone by. For all its fauts, we are dammed lucky to be living in stable, democratic country with a high standard of living and no longer seeing housands upon thousands  of our young men being slaughtered in wars.

    Iran, Iraq, yemin, syria, Egypt Afghanistan and some proxy wars in Africa…

    Also as you mentioned we live in a democratic country.

    Except when the Maybot loses another vote, we don’t, because all these people saying the result must stand, then why is TM bring yet another round of her vote in again. She’s subverting the will of parliament and in doing so the will of the people. But you know that that doesn’t matter to you.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Fair shits to Seedy for checking me there, I’ll accept that, I’m becoming more aware that people are offended by words, but I type anonymously on the internet the same way I talk in life.

    kingpab, you’ve been offended by myself calling bigots out for what they are, and tried to turn it in a way where I’ve called all leave voters bigots, which I’ve not done. If you were as good at critical thinking as you are about making assumptions you’d be a genius.

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