15th March 2019 at 12:10 am #55301
At the end of the day the majority voted to leave so get on with it. Remainers all seem so bitter as if to say told you so and all that. So what. What’s the point in what ifs. Were leaving and that’s the end of the matter. So lets make the best of what we can and what we have.
15th March 2019 at 12:18 am #55302I agree with Haz, I hope brexit happens as soon as possible, it means that Scotland can leave the union, why should we be dragged into things that we didn’t vote for?
1115th March 2019 at 2:23 am #55305Fair shits to Seedy for checking me there, I’ll accept that, I’m becoming more aware that people are offended by words, but I type anonymously on the internet the same way I talk in life.
kingpab, you’ve been offended by myself calling bigots out for what they are, and tried to turn it in a way where I’ve called all leave voters bigots, which I’ve not done. If you were as good at critical thinking as you are about making assumptions you’d be a genius.
Yeah that was the 1st saying I’d heard.. That, all the bigots voted for Brexit but not all leave voters are bigots.
It’s getting absurd tbh in Parliament, 2 massive Brexit Deal loses by over 100 (ERG and Boris still has not put forward their plans) A no confidence vote upheld, the good Friday agreement? Well let’s see the ERG’s move 1st-DUP know this & have not backed the maybot, the real IRA sends some bombs to remind the DUP I assume because no one wants that again. Now what if Spain or any other small EU27 veto the extension?
The one line unifying the 27 is that Britain must retain blame for brexit outcomes. Any deviation will be punished overtly or covertly in the future. For example when the bailouts occur in the resulting deep recession.
This is why they have given us everything they could have possibly given us under the rules based structure of the EU. They negotiated with us to the best possible outcome given the parameters and restrictions we imposed on ourselves.
The best example of this is the future liabilities. That 39 billion should be closer to 50 billion. They didn’t press us for our full amount owed because their one line is to ensure blame falls mostly towards us and away from them. They gave us a very good discount on what we owe them to keep their high ground.
So we’re off to the races again & again, but you know NO people’s vote again.
After all this time how can anyone trust the ERG & other brexiteers who are pushing What exactly? Does anyone know? What there deal is? Even 1 part of it. Its surreal man.
FFS the current cabinet minister didn’t know Ireland was a island ???
15th March 2019 at 2:24 am #55306I agree with Haz, I hope brexit happens as soon as possible, it means that Scotland can leave the union, why should we be dragged into things that we didn’t vote for?
Yup ????
I still think parliament will stall for as long as possible for a second referendum for independence ? The SNP will have a fight for sure.
15th March 2019 at 1:34 pm #55393I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.
Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.
It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.
There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored.
What system works as well or better than capitalism? It “doesn’t work and never will” while people across most of the world have living standards way above the average person of generations gone by. For all its fauts, we are dammed lucky to be living in stable, democratic country with a high standard of living and no longer seeing housands upon thousands of our young men being slaughtered in wars.
Iran, Iraq, yemin, syria, Egypt Afghanistan and some proxy wars in Africa…
Also as you mentioned we live in a democratic country.
Except when the Maybot loses another vote, we don’t, because all these people saying the result must stand, then why is TM bring yet another round of her vote in again. She’s subverting the will of parliament and in doing so the will of the people. But you know that that doesn’t matter to you.
I dont know how to post direct links so i’ll type them here and sorry about the cluttered post but i’m posting on my tv – Blair, Brown, Callaghan, Wilson governments on unemployment are proved on fullfacts.org. David Cameron (amongst others) even brought in up in parliament, a fact that Labour never even try to dispute. – National debt under last Labour goverments can be checked on econnomicshelp.org. They show debts as follows -1997/98 £352 billion. 2007/11 £527 billion. 2010/11 £902 billion. Dennis Healey went to the IMF in 1976 to borrow £4 billion and that can be checked at nationalacrhives.org. And we have not lost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of troops in Iraq, Syria etc.
15th March 2019 at 2:14 pm #55403https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Fact
Funded by a Conservative ???? Please ?do better.
Now I’m not saying that these Facts are wrong, however I am not a Labour supporter, never have been and never will be.
15th March 2019 at 6:39 pm #55423https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Fact
Funded by a Conservative
do better.
Now I’m not saying that these Facts are wrong, however I am not a Labour supporter, never have been and never will be.
I just did a quick search to try and give you some hard stats which you asked for and they were first up. I’m sure i could find many more but i want to move on from this now. One final thing i didn’t reply to was your comments about May. She, more than anyone wants us to get a deal done, leave the EU and ending this mess asp. It’s the Labour party and ERG who are stopping the deal being done and its them who are stopping the people getting what they voted for.
15th March 2019 at 8:01 pm #55444The whole thing is a scam anyway. It’s not gonna happen. Theresa May has been against Brexit the whole time, so why does anyone think she will ever put forward a deal they will vote for?
It’s all corruption. They will keep doing this until a new vote happens. And if they vote to leave, they will do the same over and over again until the vote says to remain.1115th March 2019 at 8:55 pm #55456The whole thing is a scam anyway. It’s not gonna happen. Theresa May has been against Brexit the whole time, so why does anyone think she will ever put forward a deal they will vote for? It’s all corruption. They will keep doing this until a new vote happens. And if they vote to leave, they will do the same over and over again until the vote says to remain.
May (along with Cameron) and about 70% of all the MP’s are remainers and make no secret about it. I used to be as cynical as many others about our MP’s, but my bout of illness gave me time to watch a lot of Commons tv and that transformed my opinions of them. There’s always going to be things to bitch about, but overall we have a group of very hardworking ( see how many have bags under their eyes) talented, caring people doing their best to make the UK as great as it can be. I’d take our lot over anyother countries MP’s that’s for sure! Oh, and i’ll bet anything a deal will be made in the end!
15th March 2019 at 9:28 pm #55459https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Fact
Funded by a Conservative
do better.
Now I’m not saying that these Facts are wrong, however I am not a Labour supporter, never have been and never will be.
I just did a quick search to try and give you some hard stats which you asked for and they were first up. I’m sure i could find many more but i want to move on from this now. One final thing i didn’t reply to was your comments about May. She, more than anyone wants us to get a deal done, leave the EU and ending this mess asp. It’s the Labour party and ERG who are stopping the deal being done and its them who are stopping the people getting what they voted for.
I’ll agree that TM has been working hard to get a deal, weather that deal is better than the 1 we’ve got is very doubtful….
I said earlier that I had accepted Brexit after the vote and expected “The Deal” to be better, but it’s not and it will take generations to get back to where we are atm.
I worry for the kids future and imo leaving the EU diminishes their future prospects.
I certainly don’t trust the Torys and also Labour, but I will defend JC when people falsely accuse him of being a commie in the Labour Party. Logic dictate’s that that’s not possible. If we’re talking about real communists Ofcourse.
Im seeing the same tropes getting flung around by the Alt right groups in most democracys lately & it’s worrying.
I already live in a city that’s divided & does affect your everyday job, with Brexit adding to it, so If/when the shit the pan my city will explode with violence again, and it’s sad tbh because we’re all family really.
Peace out Brother ????
16th March 2019 at 12:06 am #55475At the end of the day the majority voted to leave so get on with it. Remainers all seem so bitter as if to say told you so and all that. So what. What’s the point in what ifs. Were leaving and that’s the end of the matter. So lets make the best of what we can and what we have.
Technically, the majority was minor and if you factor in the people who were cast as lazy non-voters, it’s hard to say who would have won. I refused to vote for such a bag of bullshit. The vote was in fact a mess. Both sides lied, both sides are bitter, both sides got caught up in the largest bullshit vote in a while.
Think about why we were there in the first place. Think about why “we” are leaving. We will suffer either way. The only reason I would have voted remain is the unity but I don’t believe in capitalism so that meant I couldn’t vote and support the bs agendas of the day. The government knew the outcome of the vote before it landed.
Oh and the real fact is that more leavers are racist than remainers. That is not a broad generalism on leavers. Many voted leave simply because they are racist. Some thought they were voting leave for a better way.
Like I said, the whole thing is bs. For the rich, never for the people.
116th March 2019 at 1:59 am #55480David Cameron took a page out of the Tony Blair playbook when he jumped ship before the shit hit the fan. After the promises he made to the voters that he would see this thing out. Smug bastard just disappeared into the shadows with his millions. It doesn’t matter what happens really because either way the average man in the street doesn’t even appear on their radar so the future looks bleak. ?
16th March 2019 at 11:58 am #55523@Steller What system works better than Capitalism ? Not Capitalism. All the current systems are flawed by and not actually what they claim to be, by capitalism. Worse, they are all learning curves, hindered by capitalism. Everything (that matters) is hindered by capitalism.
6 out of 7 people live around or below their relative poverty line. Monetary crime is the majority of direct crime. Immoral suffering is mostly untold.
Just imagine if money wasn’t an issue. “The love of money is the root of all evil”.
1117th March 2019 at 4:18 pm #55710@Steller What system works better than Capitalism ? Not Capitalism. All the current systems are flawed by and not actually what they claim to be, by capitalism. Worse, they are all learning curves, hindered by capitalism. Everything (that matters) is hindered by capitalism.
6 out of 7 people live around or below their relative poverty line. Monetary crime is the majority of direct crime. Immoral suffering is mostly untold.
Just imagine if money wasn’t an issue. “The love of money is the root of all evil”.
You’re a member of a gambling site and say money is the root of all evil lol. Money makes the world go round. It motivates people which leads to so many spin offs in so many positive ways – better life for themselves and their families. Taxes, which build modern hospitals, schools, houses. It spurs on progress in science, medicine and technology. The vast majority of countries have better living standards than ever before. Just look at the improvements for vast numbers of people in China and India. Africa has been left behind because its run by massively corrupt, incompetent idiots who couldn’t run a booze up in a brewery.Worse still, the public votes for them over and over again.
17th March 2019 at 5:04 pm #55741Gonna address each point :
You’re a member of a gambling site and say money is the root of all evil lol.
In the most part that’s irrelevant.
Money makes the world go round.
It motivates people which leads to so many spin offs in so many positive ways – better life for themselves and their families. Taxes, which build modern hospitals, schools, houses. It spurs on progress in science, medicine and technology.
It also has the opposite effect – While some things can have more positives, some things can have more negatives. Just like gambling. While you win big, I lose heavily. While you can now go and spend spend spend and invest, I can now go begging and possibly starve. When one plantation of bananas gets a good price, they sell less stock but might make a lot of money. Another plantation gives in to a low price, words very hard, get’s little for it and suffers. Taxes are mostly pilfered. For every £1 that goes toward a tax funded NHS hospital, a huge chunk goes into someones profitable back pocket, with golden handshakes and corruption. Most schools have no been privatised into businesses. Science and technology are held back by capitalism more than they are spurred forward. It’s mostly a lottery. Medicine is more about profit than healing sick people.
The vast majority of countries have better living standards than ever before. Just look at the improvements for vast numbers of people in China and India.
The same as the mobile phone industry has deliberately held back technology so they can sell it as slowly as possible. Vast improvements ? No. Not in the slightest. The growth of encouragement to do good in the world is a wonderful thing, assisted by things like social media and the hearts of men, so to speak. “vast improvements” would be laughable but I don’t want to come across as disrespectful to you for saying it and to the suffering that continues on a huge scale.
Africa has been left behind because its run by massively corrupt, incompetent idiots who couldn’t run a booze up in a brewery.Worse still, the public votes for them over and over again.
Oh dear. I sense you are blaming the african leaders here. Have you ever heard of “Judge 400 years” ? Economic CEOs in Africa have very little control over the wealth of Africa. Again, laughable if not sickening.
Have you looked at the infant death rate of our planet ? Do you know 6-7 people around the globe live around or below their relative poverty line ? I could wish capitalism worked, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t on a grand scale of “are you serious ?”
Would you like a list of the failures of capitalism that have happened and continue to happen and WILL NOT stop ?
The vast array of monetary crime and suffering, is somewhat untold but take all words like dire, devastating, disgusting from the thesaurus and you still haven’t got enough to describe how bad it truly is.
Capitalism will end. That’s not an opinion.
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