Bruce lee mega bonus

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  • #23867
    Caddickc02 WANTED $4

    so has anyone ever had the Bruce lee mega bonus it’s obviously ultra rare if so was it recently I’ve had thousands and thousands off spins and had maybe 4-5 teases, I Think it may be getting less likely as not as many people are playing it anymore.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Never had it myself and seriously, i played this game soooOoooOoOOoo much back in the days of Jackpot Joy i think the place was called! Great little casino with a progressive that popped randomly every now and then as you played, i used to play Bruce on all sorts of stakes, a lot on £9 odd but no, never bloody managed those 20 spins! Used to watch the YT vids of it in absolute awe lol!

    Caddickc02 WANTED $4

    Lol yh I could only dream off a £9 stake bonus never mind a £9 mega bonus I have had a tease with all four wilds at the front on 30p stake.

    Does anyone think you have more chance off hitting it on 30p rather then a large stake I used to think this but after seeing so many big wins on  bigger stakes in the past months I’m starting to think it is just random on any stake.


    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Caddickc02 wrote:

    Does anyone think you have more chance off hitting it on 30p rather then a large stake I used to think this but after seeing so many big wins on  bigger stakes in the past months I’m starting to think it is just random on any stake.

    It shouldn’t make any difference on any game, since the RNG is independent of stake. But coincidentally my biggest ever win on Bruce Lee was on 30p stake….got the left-hold bonus with 3 wilds and one premium, then the last bonus spin brought in full screen of wilds on the right. Think it paid 500x for that spin and about £170 bonus total.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    A mate of mine managed to hit it twice on 30p too, lucky bastard haha

    Caddickc02 WANTED $4

    yh Bet they both paid decent aswell good old games, now you get the top bonus on games and still aren’t sure your gna beat 5x


    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    The Bandit wrote:

    A mate of mine managed to hit it twice on 30p too, lucky bastard haha

    Bring back The Bandit £1000 vs ??

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