Calling Casumo Andy..

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  • #42992
    Slotsoffun WANTED $9

    I don’t get it or I’m missing something!

    When you join a casino they run a soft credit check to prove identity (age and address etc.) which you’ve done and been satisfied for years.

    You can or should be able to update any personal details including address, phone number, prefered payment etc at any time.

    I would try a deposit and if it’s accepted you’ve won/can counter the admin bullshit. The same if they are communicating with you via phone or email… in that case they’ve already satisfied vetting in order to communicate

    As for accountants its worthless and costly.

    chipnroll WANTED $17

    they do this to tilt you done it to me on several occasions completely immoral cunts

    Messi WANTED $2

    If you have a provisional licence it doesn’t count as acceptable ID, only a full one does. That would be the same at all banks/ companies mate unfortunately.  You might have something from your internet provider maybe? 🙂

    pokerkev WANTED $1

    Computer says no!!!!!!



    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Messi wrote:

    If you have a provisional licence it doesn’t count as acceptable ID, only a full one does. That would be the same at all banks/ companies mate unfortunately.  You might have something from your internet provider maybe? ?

    The only difference is the colour though….


    Don’t Panic Mr. Mannering to save you hassle I’ve found proof of address you can send them 🙂



    number 777 reelking drive, banditsville .

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Haha from what some casinos reply to me with these days, it is like that is what i send them haha

    gstar2468 WANTED $5

    Errrr lets just say a Friend of mine was faced with this problem too, Twice infact !!

    “Onwards to downloading statement and opening up in Paint”

    Firstly Prints off downloaded PDF old statement

    Secondly scan said Document & saves as Jpeg

    Thirdly creates Text box on Paint types new address with a Font that resembles old Statement then uses Cut & Paste ( ensuring he cuts enough white background of the text box to cover the new address with plenty of room to spare 🙂

    Opens up the Jpeg file of statement & applies paste function and drops new address on top of old address. Remarkable how you cannot tell the difference. Impossible infact unless you have made your new text ridiculous lol

    Prints off new (old) Statement and Scans again & uploads

    I would never condone this….. This was a very naughty friend of mine. But think you all should know and in detail of things you should NOT do should anyone be faced with this brick wall problem




    Mr B WANTED $395

    gstar2468 wrote:

    Errrr lets just say a Friend of mine was faced with this problem too, Twice infact !!

    “Onwards to downloading statement and opening up in Paint”

    Firstly Prints off downloaded PDF old statement

    Secondly scan said Document & saves as Jpeg

    Thirdly creates Text box on Paint types new address with a Font that resembles old Statement then uses Cut & Paste ( ensuring he cuts enough white background of the text box to cover the new address with plenty of room to spare ?

    Opens up the Jpeg file of statement & applies paste function and drops new address on top of old address. Remarkable how you cannot tell the difference. Impossible infact unless you have made your new text ridiculous lol

    Prints off new (old) Statement and Scans again & uploads

    I would never condone this….. This was a very naughty friend of mine. But think you all should know and in detail of things you should NOT do should anyone be faced with this brick wall problem




    I actually did something similar, in principal, that gained me nothing but saved me time and effort and ticked their box. It worked. Fraud, but it worked. I then went and told them. At first they were gonna get the guns out but I explained why that would be fruitless. Needless to say, they reviewed their utterly fucking pointless energy consuming process simply because I pointed out how it could be passed and how useless it actually was, given the amount of data they have already.

    And lastly on the security test : “what colour socks have you got on?”

    gstar2468 WANTED $5

    Unfortunately it seems to me the Industry uses this to there advantage….. Govt reg’s thrown back at you when you are faced with a dilemma of verification and lots of hand rubbing from the Casinos when folk simply cannot access their winnings. How many People walk away from Casinos because they simply can’t be arsed or have no way of proving in the immediate or medium term without a lot of effort

    Which is why my naughty friend had no remorse for his actions and as you rightly say a pointless process which to me is what we see is a little bit of the seedy side of Casinos and you just get that little feeling of “we do not want to give you your winnings and if you want them, then you are gonna have to work for them” just by the tone of the voice or the tone of the emails you receive

    Verification should be part of the Sign up and once verified changing details should be an easy process as you have proven yourself credible in the first instance. It is easier to change your details at your Bank than it is in Casinos


    I hope your answer to the sock question was blue, blue represents honesty, apparently 🙂


    True it’s easier to change details with the bank than the casino’s. I remember at 21 getting in trouble with debts from loans and credit cards. After my bank had seen gambling transactions on my account, they were immediately, not only unhelpful toward a niave youngster, but almost nasty. Not only were they unwilling to drop charges, which years later turned out to be made, “rule breaking” according to the ombudsman, but weren’t helpful in pointing me in the direction of how to solve the my situation i.e. pointing me in the direction of CAB/ G.A. explaining about credit card shuffles (consolidating debt etc).

    I had to learn all about the financial world for and by myself, the hard way. That’s the bad part of gambling, the years wasted treading water, they pass you by in the blink of an eye). I remember needing to open a new bank account (I had to open one up in two weeks for my wages to into to advoid being swallowed by an online loan company using a circular payment) but needed proof of any previous bank accounts, I could only show one with no gambling transactions but they wouldn’t give me a statement they said I had to wait 2months, I could have easily made a false statement using a computer, but didn’t fancy adding fraud to exploits lol. The bank said they could print a statement off for me and send it to my house in 3days but it would cost me a tenner, at the time I was dirt poor not a pot to piss in, no £10 did I have. The only reason I got through it was I had account with a bank from when I was about 8 that my mum had kept for me and forgot about, so had my wages paid into that one.

    I suppose what I’m getting at is banks, then and probably still now, can be very similar to casino’s in making life difficult for you at times in many ways. This why despite banks keeping asking me to go paperless with my statements I refuse, because I remember the days when they tried to charge me for my own F*cking information.


    How times have changed, even in the last 15years. I remember my 1st job I couldn’t start until I gave in I.D and bank account and national insurance number. I wasn’t chased up about the national insurance number until 4 months of working had passed and my bank account along with my student card was good enough I.D. for the employer( a supermarket chain), lol what a joke. At the time a major bank who I opened my 1st bank account with were willing to accept a library card as I.D. along with my student card and some other rubbish .

    When I 1st got my student I.D. and library cards all I had to do to get them was verbally tell them the information lol. The point being back in the day one could of opened a bank account under a false name and ran up huge debts and literally dissappeared, never really have existed.

    Gambulaah WANTED $10

    Huntball wrote:

    How unlucky am I lol my guess was 2324 lol maybe my luck will change tomorrow on the crazy Saturday’s football games good luck all

    I was looking for that thread to check my guess, has it been removed?

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