Can anyone remember…..

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Which video the epic peter griffin flying fuck face super troll was on wish upon a jackpot?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    The Bandit wrote:

    Which video the epic peter griffin flying fuck face super troll was on wish upon a jackpot?

    this one

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    2017 🤣 fucking 7 years ago 😛 time flies doesn’t it

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I started following in May 2017 and Danger High Voltage had only just come out.  2017 was a quality year and was the beginning of the ‘modern’ era of slots with Megaways thanks to Bonanza in late 2016.

    Please give Joker Pro a try i.e. the video thumbnail 2 posts up.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    Please give Joker Pro a try i.e. the video thumbnail 2 posts up.

    I think that’s one of the games netent closed down unfortunately 🤔

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I think that’s one of the games netent closed down unfortunately 🤔

    I should’ve checked first before saying that lol 🤣

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    NetEnt has closed down a few of their games for sure.  Evolution being one of them, although someone will need to confirm this.  I liked that the Bandit explained what was going on as each symbol upgraded.  Wonky Wabbits probably gone too.  He sure was a hi-roller on that!

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Joker pro was an insane game, only ever got 1 wild lin,  £10 stake tho… wonder if I screen grab of it …

    cobmanchester WANTED $2

    great vids , any chance of a good run on Napeleon.

    MaxTaylor1984 WANTED $1

    I remember when you spoke about the time when you will get the YouTube play button trophy for your boy, hopefully this year! Over 90k now.

    Elvisp1977 WANTED $8

    By now you’re all packed for your life of luxury in the cosmopolitan have a winning fun time enjoy by time you get back I will be in Macau let’s hope we will both end up slot winning or no27 on roulette take care


    keamjo WANTED $1

    CAN ANYONE REMEMBER when montezuma used to good.and i want to start a petition to bring back Wonky Wabbits.that slot was fun.

    Vstar WANTED $1

    Haha that games such a dick on arrows , do you remember when you played the family guy game that was great game we had some great bonuses on that 😄

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