cancelation on free give away

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  • #86650
    Btcal WANTED $12

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    @Btcal I disagree.

    An excellent post Dynamiik23. Give me a couple of days to think of a worthy reply

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Btcal wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    Btcal wrote:

    My beef with the way it’s was announced is the tone and choice of words.

    I didn’t expect a hand delivered written apology. Just say look sorry, people fucked it up, best I can do is give it out to charity now, I apologise to everyone who entered fairly.

    Instead he gives it the whole headmaster berating children routine and goes on about how it only take 4 seconds to sign up to the site anyway so u all basically did fuck all for it anyway so u can all fuck off.

    If we didn’t all sign up to his links and site and subscribe to YouTube then I doubt he would still exist as a streamer. It’s about respecting your fan base.

    Ok I take your point but…

    He hardly fucked it up it was the idiots signing up 30 plus times when everyone was told we would be monitoring it.

    The way he speaks is the way he speaks what you see is what you get or in the viewers case what you hear is what you get he was pissed at the cheaters not at genuine people and was more annoyed about not being able to fulfill the competition due to the cheaters.

    So the only people feeling that he berated them are the cheaters themselves and as you say you only entered once you are not in that section of people.

    Hope this helps.

    I did only enter once and I’d be happy for you to either verify it if you want.

    Tbf I’m not even arsed now. Would have been nice for an apology for pulling it rather than the ‘im giving it for free, you lot have done fuck all for it bar sign up for my site, so you will no longer play a part’

    In fact a great way to have done the draw would be drawing the names. Checking their accounts to see if they duplicated and if they were guilty , announcing they don’t get the prize and doing a redraw until someone legitimate won. Bit of added scandal and drama + excitement. Could have done it live on twitch

    Sorry taking a lil time reply my lil boy just chucked a toy car at lil girls head ???? it’s as bonkers in my house as on here sometimes ?‍♂️

    Some good ideas I dunno if you are aloud to name and shame publicly though lol

    In the end if you adhered to the rules which you did you should not take to heart the way the bandit it speaks as it is just how he speaks if you have seen a lot of his videos it would be very apparent that is  how it is.

    Hopefully we can stop any name calling between yourself yes I’m pointing at you to Rbreen aswell I swear I need to get a lil troll bridge icon for you ???? pahaha


    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    This thread is going to beat my longest BIAM thread isn’t it ? it was a good few months ?

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Seedy wrote:

    Btcal wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    Btcal wrote:

    My beef with the way it’s was announced is the tone and choice of words.

    I didn’t expect a hand delivered written apology. Just say look sorry, people fucked it up, best I can do is give it out to charity now, I apologise to everyone who entered fairly.

    Instead he gives it the whole headmaster berating children routine and goes on about how it only take 4 seconds to sign up to the site anyway so u all basically did fuck all for it anyway so u can all fuck off.

    If we didn’t all sign up to his links and site and subscribe to YouTube then I doubt he would still exist as a streamer. It’s about respecting your fan base.

    Ok I take your point but…

    He hardly fucked it up it was the idiots signing up 30 plus times when everyone was told we would be monitoring it.

    The way he speaks is the way he speaks what you see is what you get or in the viewers case what you hear is what you get he was pissed at the cheaters not at genuine people and was more annoyed about not being able to fulfill the competition due to the cheaters.

    So the only people feeling that he berated them are the cheaters themselves and as you say you only entered once you are not in that section of people.

    Hope this helps.

    I did only enter once and I’d be happy for you to either verify it if you want.

    Tbf I’m not even arsed now. Would have been nice for an apology for pulling it rather than the ‘im giving it for free, you lot have done fuck all for it bar sign up for my site, so you will no longer play a part’

    In fact a great way to have done the draw would be drawing the names. Checking their accounts to see if they duplicated and if they were guilty , announcing they don’t get the prize and doing a redraw until someone legitimate won. Bit of added scandal and drama + excitement. Could have done it live on twitch

    Sorry taking a lil time reply my lil boy just chucked a toy car at lil girls head ???? it’s as bonkers in my house as on here sometimes ?‍♂️

    Some good ideas I dunno if you are aloud to name and shame publicly though lol

    In the end if you adhered to the rules which you did you should not take to heart the way the bandit it speaks as it is just how he speaks if you have seen a lot of his videos it would be very apparent that is  how it is.

    Hopefully we can stop any name calling between yourself yes I’m pointing at you to Rbreen aswell I swear I need to get a lil troll bridge icon for you ???? pahaha


    Get it sorted then ya tart. ? is wear it with pride. Especially on a hungover Monday.

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    There is 12 fucking pages of this? Jesus.

    Some actual thoughts.

    1 – The draw wasnt to get people to sign up. The fuck is the point?

    2 – The draw was real, he has given away more on many occasions.

    3 – If you cheated to get many entries, go fuck a toilet plunger.

    4 – If you didnt and you feel misled, sure i understand. But your odds of winning were tiny and you got to have these hours of fun complaining. So you do benefit a bit.

    *5* – Yes it could have been better. Holding a draw like this with no IP block or security as an open giveaway was suicidal at best, and utterly moronic at worst. The word has changed with VPN and such allowing this to happen. So really the blame lies everywhere. But cancelling it and giving it to charity is the best cop out that creates a win/win for all. So lets just be happy that some kids may be saved.

    Charity request – St Davids Hospice in Llandudno. I raised 1.5k for them on my facebook for my birthday by pushing casinos to donate instead of buying me wine or some shite.

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    Thanks eejit and let that be an end to it.

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    eejit101 wrote:

    There is 12 fucking pages of this? Jesus.

    Some actual thoughts.

    1 – The draw wasnt to get people to sign up. The fuck is the point?

    2 – The draw was real, he has given away more on many occasions.

    3 – If you cheated to get many entries, go fuck a toilet plunger.

    4 – If you didnt and you feel misled, sure i understand. But your odds of winning were tiny and you got to have these hours of fun complaining. So you do benefit a bit.

    *5* – Yes it could have been better. Holding a draw like this with no IP block or security as an open giveaway was suicidal at best, and utterly moronic at worst. The word has changed with VPN and such allowing this to happen. So really the blame lies everywhere. But cancelling it and giving it to charity is the best cop out that creates a win/win for all. So lets just be happy that some kids may be saved.

    Charity request – St Davids Hospice in Llandudno. I raised 1.5k for them on my facebook for my birthday by pushing casinos to donate instead of buying me wine or some shite.

    Is that Llandudno with a C? ??

    dudese WANTED $4

    This thread is sadly a good example of why I cant be arsed to get involved on BIAM.

    I remember when steve signed up to jackpotty forums many years ago long before BIAM was around, and I have followed him ever since (sounds kinda stalkerish haha).

    Pretty much the only streamer I watch these days, and whilst arguably not perfect (no one is), he overall does a cracking job.

    He gets way too much shit when imo hes one of the more genuine streamers out there, and this shit has made its way on to here now that youtube comments are disabled. Dont get me wrong theres plenty of good members on here (Im a lurker who observes), but the amount of people moaning/trolling/whatever else just ruins the good posts, and makes me not want to get involved. This is what I like to call the snowflake effect.

    I entered the giveaway myself, and winning would have seriously been a massive help (im going through some “dark” times atm and money is certainly 1 of the issues). So what its been cancelled though… Its annoying yeah, as even with way less than 1% chance of winning there was still a chance of making my life just a bit more bearable with some free monies, and ill take any chance I can… but to sign up on a forum to moan like a little bitch… no thanks (although im technically moaning now haha). The only negative thing ill say about the bandit is maybe he could have been a bit more “sorry” to the genuine members that the giveaway was cancelled (instead of a “tough shit its cancelled”). I fully understand hes pissed about all this and its his fiery personality, but not everyones quite as understanding as me, and you need to keep the followers sweet after all.

    So to summarise: yeah its a pisser its cancelled, but its due to snowflake wankers cheating the system. The same wankers that are signing up and moaning here about the giveaway that they got cancelled themselves.


    ayma4quit WANTED $47

    eejit101 wrote:

    There is 12 fucking pages of this? Jesus.

    Some actual thoughts.

    1 – The draw wasnt to get people to sign up. The fuck is the point?

    2 – The draw was real, he has given away more on many occasions.

    3 – If you cheated to get many entries, go fuck a toilet plunger.

    4 – If you didnt and you feel misled, sure i understand. But your odds of winning were tiny and you got to have these hours of fun complaining. So you do benefit a bit.

    *5* – Yes it could have been better. Holding a draw like this with no IP block or security as an open giveaway was suicidal at best, and utterly moronic at worst. The word has changed with VPN and such allowing this to happen. So really the blame lies everywhere. But cancelling it and giving it to charity is the best cop out that creates a win/win for all. So lets just be happy that some kids may be saved.

    Charity request – St Davids Hospice in Llandudno. I raised 1.5k for them on my facebook for my birthday by pushing casinos to donate instead of buying me wine or some shite.

    Are you from North Wales pal??…. Great shout for a donation…. Seconded?

    Geeza WANTED $7

    Good post, I’m of the same opinion as you, been a fan for about 3 years, bandits manner on explaining the cancellation was poor in my opinion, he came across as an entitled, arrogant snob, the decision he made was right in my opinion, some of the regulars or mods on this forum should think before they post, they too are coming across as pay-rolled, fanboys, correcting folk on spelling and being generally arrogant, just ignore the fuckwits and send more sensible replies to the long time followers who feel a bit let down.

    Just my opinion, feeling a bit meh with the whole situ

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Personally i couldnt give a shit that the draw isnt happening, i entered but never expected to win.

    Seems to me like the majority of the people whinging about the draw being cancelled are new users/contributors, who then spout off that anyone who defends the bandit is a fanboy if anyone disagrees…. Blah blah blah.

    Listen while i dont doubt the bandit is doing extremely well off affiliation, he’s not really a business or anything. He just seems a normal fella that decided to do a giveaway on his website, it went wrong and he cancelled it. Stop with the conspiracy theories, especially as it seems these are used to justify the bitterness being posted.

    Id say that this draw certainly attracted new sign ups/contributors but dont think they’re really much more than chancers who wont be around in a months time.




    Gecksy WANTED $17

    I cant be arsed reading all this but fwiw be it the Bandit or anyone else stop saying FREE ENTERTAINMENT

    There’s all sorts of shit all over the internet that is free, it’s not a badge of honour ffs


    Gecksy WANTED $17

    bigbucks1983 wrote:

    Personally i couldnt give a shit that the draw isnt happening, i entered but never expected to win.

    Seems to me like the majority of the people whinging about the draw being cancelled are new users/contributors, who then spout off that anyone who defends the bandit is a fanboy if anyone disagrees…. Blah blah blah.

    Listen while i dont doubt the bandit is doing extremely well off affiliation, he’s not really a business or anything. He just seems a normal fella that decided to do a giveaway on his website, it went wrong and he cancelled it. Stop with the conspiracy theories, especially as it seems these are used to justify the bitterness being posted.

    Id say that this draw certainly attracted new sign ups/contributors but dont think they’re really much more than chancers who wont be around in a months time.




    hahahaha not a business or anything? Bandit was recently in Vegas all paid for meeting slot game providers, you are very naive

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Gecksy wrote:

    I cant be arsed reading all this but fwiw be it the Bandit or anyone else stop saying FREE ENTERTAINMENT

    There’s all sorts of shit all over the internet that is free, it’s not a badge of honour ffs


    “I cant be arsed reading all this but “ seems to be the start of all the issues over the last few days ….that twats were to lazy read things …. like terms and conditions ……..if you can’t be fucked reading dont bother responding


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