Can’t log in to videoslots

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  • #32711
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    went to log in Friday to get my hands on my weekend booster but the bastard site wouldn’t let me log in.spent the last three days talking with live chat which was painful.playing on my old trusty I pad which doesn’t support chrome iOS 9 is the highest it will go.they tweaked the software this week lol so can’t play their until I buy a new computer unless anyone has a idea how to get round it.all other sites work fine shame really as I do like video slots,nice fast cashouts and my booster is a good one this week.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Has this only happened since they changed the way you log in? Like they just used to have boxes you typed in and now there is a pop up, does my nut in that pop up lol

    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Can’t even get to the pop up stage.reckon I spent about eight hours on live chat!never had a problem with video slots before and I have six cards registered with them lol.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Can’t you set your internet to desktop mode like you can on android? That could get around it.

    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Day four update.two more hours on live chat getting to know them all now.tried desktop clearing cache and cookies java script haven’t a fucking clue what any of that is but still can’t log of the live chat team even tried his own I pad to see if was a issue(he can log in ok of course).the whole site I can navigate around I can even become an affiliate if I want lol but can I get my hands on my £340 weekend booster can I my stubborn head on now it’s become a matter of principal lol.

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