Casino exclusion

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    Bookiebam WANTED $5

    Hi ther am wondering if u can self exclude from the casinos and how long hadnt been in them for about two year ended up going in drunk. I won 2 grand on the roullete. Tht should have been my xmas and new year covered. Presents sorted but no. End up loosing it all a week later and on top of it 700 of my savings. Absolutely scunnered. Can i just self exclude like gamstop


    Winningbird WANTED $574

    If you go in and ask them, I’m sure they can. I remember someone saying they went to one after being excluded and was pulled into the back by a manager. It could have been a film I watched but I doubt it ?. I know you can exclude from bookies too, so casinos should be no problem. Hope you’re feeling better now its had chance to sink in. We are always here if you want a natter to distract you from gambling. 🙂

    Bookiebam WANTED $5

    Its not even as much as the money i lost thts annoying or hard to take. Its thw fact everything cood have veen sorted for xmas and new year but the greed took over. Hopefully 2020 is a better year. X

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    You can join SENSE. If you go in and ask a manager to join SENSE they will do it for you, doesn’t matter how busy they are they will do it right away (required by law). Once you are on SENSE you will be excluded from all land based casinos for 6 months minimum. After this period if you wish to enter a land based casino again you will need to have a conversation with a manager who will assess you and your gambling habits and make a decision if they feel you can come off SENSE. If they agree and allow you to play again there is a 24 hour cooling off period before you can play again incase you change your mind and want to continue for another 6 months.

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