Casino heroes – balance changer

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    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Any one else noticed how on casino heroes, mainly on genie jackpot, king Kong kash (blueprints I think) shows the balance you won before it’s even landed?

    For example, I watched a streamer earlier play King Kong kash, king Kong did his scratchy thing and rolled in the barrell blast. Before the barrels had even landed, the balance at the top right oif the screen had added £7 or what ever it was.

    Seems a big spoiler to me that casino heroes could do with sorting out. There must be a way to get round the balance adding before showing the win surely? Ruins the whole point of the feature, and there’s no excitement into the winnings.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Used to have a couple of sites that did that with Wish Upon A Jackpot, so when i eventually managed to get Griffin to not disappear – it wrecked it for me anyway by changing my balance by £3.64 😀

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Wish upon is different though.. and shite haha! Was thinking about the genie jackpot features that can pay huge and alters your balance by £70-£80 a second after he pops his head out of the lamp.. I hate spoilers.

    Heard videoslots used to do this too, but they’ve sorted it?

    Iggmeister WANTED $2

    yeah noticed this with WUAJ before they updated it – kinda means though that bonus round winnings are determined before the bonus is picked and played – which is sketchy as f**k

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I wouldn’t say sketchy.. it’s just annoying and proper flop when you know it’s there. No suspense when you’re just entering the bonus and you look to check your balance and it’s gone up a few quid.

    Not sure if it’s a bug or lag but donuts did it to me last night on my mobile. The spin before my balance went up on a none win and then next spin rolled in quite a few reds in boxes.

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