9th October 2018 at 5:39 pm #20723
The reason why so many people kick off around online casinos being a scam, is that people can’t handle losing. They just can’t accept that they lost and the only reasonable justification for this is that the casino is corrupt and they have been scammed. In 99% of cases this just simply isn’t true.
If you use any of the major casino sites, that use any of the major providers (e.g. Blueprint, Netent, Microgaming etc.) then chances are you have nothing to worry about at all. Getting a bit tired of all of these conspiracy theorists.
119th October 2018 at 5:45 pm #20725@aps31 nah mate I’m still gushing blood from the fisting I got after the first session I’m not sure I can take another go yet ???
19th October 2018 at 6:00 pm #20728Getting heated in here
opinions are all well and good folks but please play nice I don’t wanna have to go Thor on anyone’s ass with my ban hammer as we all just wanna talk gambling
Listen Seedy Pal, don’t start getting a god complex cos ya can ban people with a flick of your mouse button lmao…..Oh the Powa!
I’ve not abused this eejit101 fella in any way at all, in fact I’ve called him mate quite a few times.
This is a forum for gamblers my son……so its gonna have some posts with Banter and salt in them. No matter who writes them.
He Titled and proceeded to write thread that in my opinion is absolutely laughable. But I’m pretty sure that quite a few people who are members here agree with him, but also agree with me at the same time. Give and Take R Kid!
let the thing breathe…..Peace and Love n all that X
9th October 2018 at 6:12 pm #20729Also one last thing…seems you haven’t even tried to answer my questions or disprove any of my facts that i have listed.
Shame That.
9th October 2018 at 8:21 pm #20735@Just Basics it seem’s to me you thought I was just targeting you but well i shall explain more clearly for the sake of it I just did not want it to turn into a playground argument is all we are all adults.
I do on sit on the side of the fence though where things are regulated and there for are clean etc innocent till proven guilty and all that 🙂
and as for my power complex I don’t really need one the wife keeps me in check :p
10th October 2018 at 7:23 am #20743” All they have to do is employ Secret Tech Wizards through the night to keep it rigged”
If it’s that easy to prove they are corrupt then do it, and state your sources. Conspiracy theorists bollocks.1110th October 2018 at 10:38 am #20745” All they have to do is employ Secret Tech Wizards through the night to keep it rigged” WHAT A LOAD OF SHITE!
If it’s that easy to prove they are corrupt then do it, and state your sources. Conspiracy theorists bollocks.“what a load of shite”
Great argument their sir very well played.
10th October 2018 at 11:22 am #20748@Just Basics it seem’s to me you thought I was just targeting you but well i shall explain more clearly for the sake of it I just did not want it to turn into a playground argument is all we are all adults.
I do on sit on the side of the fence though where things are regulated and there for are clean etc innocent till proven guilty and all that
and as for my power complex I don’t really need one the wife keeps me in check :p
Thanks for the reply Seedy. And sorry if i was getting a bit Salty, I’m really not here to rustle feathers. All i wanna do is open your eyes.
Innocent until proven guilty means to you guys that they are innocent?
And I’m guessing you think OJ Simpson and all the rest were innocent too huh.
Seems to me that you and these other fellas don’t even want to entertain or discuss the possibility that the casinos are Fraudulent. Seems to me that you are all under the impression that the gambling world is all “Unicorns and Daisy’s” and all they want to do is be fair to the customer like Banks, Governments, insurance, Major Corps and housing company’s etc 😉
Yeah the last thing these major corps want to do is lie or cheat people out of money……hmmmm yeah that seems right.
Oh wait a minute……….
Didn’t the housing market crash in america due to fraud, illegal money laundering and lies, making millions homeless? FACT
Didn’t several major banks close down due to fraud and and corruption? FACT
Don’t insurance company’s literally make it almost impossible for you to get a payout? FACT
Don’t Government’s do lie and do underhand shady stuff to get their ways every fucking day? FACT
It seems to me that you sheep just wanna believe the world is what you see on the news “Fox, BBC, CNN, ITN….all owned by completely legitimate non biased 100% fair and never lie people….
Oh wait a minute….They are all owned and headed by corrupt, fraudulent liars. (proven liars, just look it up) FACT
I’m in no way a CONSPIRACY THEORIST. And i don’t search the deep web hours on end, sat in a dark room with my Tin Foil Hat on.
I’m just a guy who is awake to how the world works, and i do research a bit from legitimate trustworthy sources. In no way am i 100% sure or can 100% prove that Casinos are Fraudulent or Rigged.
But what i can say is that all the evidence, facts and common sense i have listed, make it a compelling argument that they certainly could be.
And it would be remarkably easy for them to cover it up for “decades” just like Governments, Banks, Insurance, Sport, Music, News, Television, Poker Sites, War efforts etc all proven in the past In court that they were liars, fraudulent and corrupt.
C’mon Guys i mean REALLY?
I could list a hundred more Major Company’s right now that have lied and stolen from us right now. But do i really need to……
Peace And Love
110th October 2018 at 11:47 am #2075110th October 2018 at 11:47 am #20752I can see the reply’s now……
– Don’t play there if you think they are rigged. – I’m a gambler i like to gamble ffs what else am i gonna do?
– How would they Rig it? – Employing a lot of people who know how and paying them handsomely to keep quiet.
– Why would they take the chance? – Hmm To make millions/Billions
– But what if they get caught? – I’m sure they have that covered. Making Millions/Billions gives you quite an edge against laws in this world don’t you think. Quite a few company’s….sorry Hundreds of company’s have gone to high court and gotten away with it in the past. Or have been closed down with no real repercussions. They still have their Millions/Billions. So hey ho. getting caught ain’t all that shabby.
The most common reply I’m gonna get is….
– Why would they Rig it? – This one is pretty easy for me to answer. Just think of a drug dealer. He’s selling a bit here and there, and he’s living very comfortably. He has everything he wants and couldn’t be happier. So why does he then go from selling a few ounces to kilos?
Answer – GREED!
Money is the most seductive thing in the world, and Greed is a very good way of making quite a bit of it.
So if you’re gonna reply with silly little comebacks, please don’t bother.
Peace and Love
10th October 2018 at 12:12 pm #20753The reason why so many people kick off around online casinos being a scam, is that people can’t handle losing. They just can’t accept that they lost and the only reasonable justification for this is that the casino is corrupt and they have been scammed. In 99% of cases this just simply isn’t true.
If you use any of the major casino sites, that use any of the major providers (e.g. Blueprint, Netent, Microgaming etc.) then chances are you have nothing to worry about at all. Getting a bit tired of all of these conspiracy theorists.
Sorry had to reply to this silly sausage. Congrats on the comment competition win btw mate. I’m sure that wasn’t rigged 😉
YES I lose on slots quite a lot. But it doesn’t make me want to shoot up a school or go on a crusade to tell everyone its rigged lol
You listed some slot providers Blueprint,Netent Microgaming that you say are 100% legit and in no way rigged yeah? Not sure you can say that mate, cos you don’t own the company’s or have any evidence. But you do say “The chances are you have nothing to worry about”
CHANCES? you really said Chances lol. So i have to take a chance like Monopoly? I can’t just play knowing its not rigged? So funny!
Here is a thread in a forum of a Game provider that 99% knowingly placed RIGGED games for 4 fucking years into online casinos. FACT.
Took me literally 1 minute on google to find it. Just think of what i could find if i installed and Onion Browser and looked on the Deep Web for 30 minutes.
C’mon mate GET A GRIP.
Peace and Love
10th October 2018 at 12:29 pm #20754Here’s the original story of a fraudulent Game provider before it got into forums.
Company Recommended for Nevada Online Poker License Caught Rigging Casino Games
10th October 2018 at 12:36 pm #20755I think the main point should be made that in my eyes you should never deposit expecting a win/profit it’s an expensive hobby for a bit of fun that costs me some coin each week.
As for if we consider that everything is fake or rigged we as a society would not prosper or function. The government thing Is interesting but this isn’t really the place to talk politics.
Also the example of a person earning a comfortable profit selling it could be anything from a corner store owner to a normal worker stacking shelves greed doesn’t power people its not just as simple as that an example would be you have a job that pays 20k a year you have a house bills for sky internet etc.But the you get a promotion you now earn 25k does that 5k just get saved… nope you now live within your new budget and get I dunno a nice 2 week holiday a year you might even buy a new bigger house and increase your mortgage it’s just the way we are wired as humans. ?
Also just basics it’s peace and carrots dude peace and carrots ??
10th October 2018 at 12:49 pm #20756I think the main point should be made that in my eyes you should never deposit expecting a win/profit it’s an expensive hobby for a bit of fun that costs me some coin each week.
As for if we consider that everything is fake or rigged we as a society would not prosper or function. The government thing Is interesting but this isn’t really the place to talk politics.
Also the example of a person earning a comfortable profit selling it could be anything from a corner store owner to a normal worker stacking shelves greed doesn’t power people its not just as simple as that an example would be you have a job that pays 20k a year you have a house bills for sky internet etc.But the you get a promotion you now earn 25k does that 5k just get saved… nope you now live within your new budget and get I dunno a nice 2 week holiday a year you might even buy a new bigger house and increase your mortgage it’s just the way we are wired as humans.
Also just basics it’s peace and carrots dude peace and carrots
Thanks again for the reply Seedy. Yeah the politics thing i went a bit far, but it was just and example. You say “if we consider everything is fake or rigged, we as a society would not prosper or function” Listen mate, I’ m not saying that at all.
What I’m saying and have given you evidence of – Is that Online Casino’s have been caught rigging games in the past.
I’m not saying The whole world is Rigged! Just Most Online Casinos 😉
I’ve proven my point here. I have nothing else to offer or say about this. I’m happy with what information i have given you guys. Seems like you OBVIOUSLY don’t want to discuss any of my points! Which is kind of Sad on your part. But hey ho onwards and upwards, on to the next thread.
Love and Parsnips 😉 😉
10th October 2018 at 12:55 pm #20757CHANCES? you really said Chances lol. So i have to take a chance like Monopoly? I can’t just play knowing its not rigged? So funny!
Nothing in life is certain, other than our own demise (and taxes if you like that one). Neither one of us can state whether or not slots are rigged with absolute certainty – I thought that was a given? Pretty much everything you do in life as an element of risk, this is no different. That being said, I’d say the risk is so unbelievably low here that the mainstream casinos and providers are rigged, that it is absolutely worth continuing to gamble if you want to.
Here is a thread in a forum of a Game provider that 99% knowingly placed RIGGED games for 4 fucking years into online casinos. FACT.
That is a single, well known case from five years ago – how on earth does this mean that all slots/casinos are rigged, exactly?
I believe that’s exactly what you are.
You’re consistently posting ambiguous statements with zero context and then adding the word “fact” at the end to attempt to make your point. This is a very weak argument.